Announcement : 

Vision and Values


Our schools’ overarching goal is for all our children to be proud, motivated, confident learners.

Values of RESPECT underpin the schoolwide approach to fostering positive behaviour for learning and are well understood by children and teachers at our school.



Our values can also be seen through te ao Maori concepts of Manaakitanga, Kiatiakitanga, Whanaungatanga and Kotahitanga.

We strongly believe in showing Manaaki (respect, kindness, honesty and tolerance) to one another. Kaitiakitanga is our collective responsibility as guardians or caretakers of our school, and of our environment. Whanaungatanga is about keeping our relationships strong so all at Ngaere School feel they belong. Kotahitanga, building and nurturing effective partnerships as we all work together for a common purpose, effective teaching and learning for all at Ngaere School.