Announcement : 



Communication  is important to us and we try our best to keep everyone up to date with what is going on at school. We believe in working in partnership with our community so it is important that everyone reads what is sent home in whatever format.

To help you stay in touch here is a reminder of our current communication systems in use at school.

SkoolLoop is a critical part of our communication system at school. It can be downloaded free. It is used to provide quick alerts, cancellations, postponements, and important last minute updates. It also allows us to distribute the school newsletter quickly. Anyone with the app is able to access the newsletter so this is a great tool for sharing with wider family, both here in NZ and overseas. We will also use this app to book interview times and hope to progress to the use of permission forms for trips etc.

School Newsletter is distributed weekly, on a Wednesday. This provides an up to date summary of what is going on in our school. Children’s work is also showcased and achievements recognised and acknowledged. A paper copy may be requested from the school office.

Facebook is used to share photos as well as quick notices or reminders. It can be used to celebrate and share what is happening at school.

School Website This is a static overview of Ngaere School. It will be updated from time to time as things change.

Seesaw is an app used by classes to share learning with families. Teachers will ensure all families have access to this. Children will be supported to share their learning stories on a regular basis including snapshots in time alongside self assessment tasks to show progress against a set criteria.

Written Reporting of children’s progress is via mid and end of year reports which are sent home in a paper format. Mid year reports are accompanied by a parent – teacher interview. Other meeting times may be arranged as requested.

There may also be times when a phone call, email or txt is required. 

School Communication Plan