Welcome back to Term 3. A special welcome to new children (and their families) joining us: Ella (Rm6) & Mia (Rm4), Mya (Rm5), Hunter (Rm3), Olive and Hunter (Rm1).
We have a few things on this term so please, check the ‘What’s On’ at the bottom of this newsletter to add dates to your diaries. Our newsletter is used to share what is happening on a weekly basis as well as giving you a heads up as to what is coming up. We do print a small number of copies so if you would prefer a printed version please let Karen in the office know. (The printed newsletter does not include the graphics or photos).
A huge thank you to Maree & Peter Edgcombe for the ‘Move Your Butt’ afternoon on the last day of term. Yes, it was freezing in the wind and yes, the noise was horrendous but, all the children enjoyed themselves and we managed to add another $100+ to the ‘Move Your Butt’ fundraiser. A grand total of $551 was raised and donated by the Ngaere School Community. Thank you.
Next week you are all invited to come along and share a lunch of soup and bread with the school community as part of our Puanga celebrations. This replaces the Matariki breakfast we have had for the last couple of years. All classes will be making a pot (or 2) of soup which will be shared at lunchtime. Teachers will be sending a seesaw post which we would appreciate your RSVPing to. This will allow us to ensure we have enough to feed everyone. You may wish to advise Karen through the office of your attendance instead.
Planning is well underway for the end of year camp to Wellington for Yr 7 & 8 children. There will be a number of fundraising activities during the reainder of the year to help offset some of the cost. Please support where you can. The first of the fundraisers will be a ‘ Junk Food Raffle’. Families are asked to send along an item of ‘junk food’ (chippies, bottles of fizzy, biscuits, chocolates, bags of lollies etc) this Friday, 21 July to form the prize. Fittingly, Friday 21 July is ‘National Junk Food Day (in America)! Details of how to purchase raffle tickets will be sent home next week.
The PTA will be hosting a morning tea on Friday 28th July at 9am in the staffroom for all parents, but especially those who are new or ‘newish’ to Ngaere School. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to find out a little more about our school. Junior School leader, Kathryn Duncan will give a short presentation on what to expect when your child starts in the junior room and others will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Please RSVP to Karen (7648643) if you think you might come along.
Children are training for their cross country each day. Please encourage your child to include a change of shirt (maybe their sports shirt) for training.
Term 3 is traditionally one where we have all sorts of colds and virus’ making their way through classrooms. Thank you to those families who keep their children home when they are unwell. It certainly helps to lessen the spread. COVID is still evident in the community so please be mindful of this if your child (or yourself) is presenting any possible symptoms.
The Board have recently approved the replacement of the turf area and we are grateful for the financial support of Toi Foundation, Mataiho Oil, Pub Charities, TET and our school PTA. Work will begin on this towards the end of August / beginning of September so will hopefully be ready to use for term 4.
You are strongly encouraged to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns regarding the report that was sent home at the end of last term. Teachers are available to discuss your child’s progress but you must make an appointment so as not to interrupt their teaching time. Please be mindful of their need to ‘switch off’ and have a life outside of school. Teachers should not be responding to txt or email messages between the hours of 5.30pm and 8am.
All in all, there is a lot happening this term.
Kind regards,