Announcement : 

Week 9

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 2  Week 9 

Wednesday 21st June 2023


Rooms 1 & 2 will be performing their play “A Kiwi Went to Sea” at Friday afternoon assembly this week. Parents are invited to come along and watch your children perform.  See you there! 2.30pm Friday


Just a couple of reminders in regards to hot lunches on a Tuesday.

  • Please NO frozen food as it takes too long to heat up and may not be heated completely by lunchtime.
  • Please wrap food in tinfoil and clearly named
  • Please NO paper bags or lunch paper as it a risk for fire
  • Please NO cellotape or gladwrap as it will melt.

Thank you.

‘Hot Food Tuesday’ will continue until Tuesday 29th August

Jones Cup: Thank you to the coaches and parents who supported our children at Jones Cup on Monday. All children did extremely well in all games. Final resukts on the day : Rippa Rugby – Toko Crusaders, Year 5 and 6 Rugby – Ngaere Snickers, Year 7 and 8 Rugby – Toko Hurricanes, Year 5 and 6 Netball – Toko Pulse, Year 7 and 8 Netball – Toko Stars

‘Move Your Butt’ Fundraising 

You are invited to come along to school on Friday 30th June to share in our end of term / end of ‘Move Your Butt’ month activities. The PTA have donated sausages for lunch (so feel free to join your child for a sausage in bread for lunch) and Maree & Peter Edgcombe have come up with a number of activities for children to do from 1.30pm. Please come along and join in. It is an end of our staff fundraiser so feel free to drop a gold coin in the donations bucket

Parent Cyber Safety

Following on from the presentation by Rob Cope at Stratford High School a couple of weeks ago we will be holding our own evenings using recordings of his presentation. The first of these will be tomorrow night (Thursday 22nd June) at 7pm. It will be approx  2 hours with time for a cuppa and a quick chat in between. We will offer a second evening early in Term 3 and then guage interest or need from there. 

If you are interested in attending tomorrow night, please RSVP to Karen in the office or txt the school phone 00272219842. 


With the public holiday for Matariki being observed in the holidays this year we have decided to do something different!

Parents and whanau are invited to come and share soup with the children on Tuesday 25th July from 12.30pm – 1pm.

Each class will make soup to be shared.

More details (and requests for donations of vegetables) to follow.


A friendly reminder, if you child is going to be away from school, could you please let the school know.  With the Ministry of Education cracking down on Truancy, the school is required to provide an reason as to why your child is absent.

This can be done either by:

  • Telephone  (06)  764  8643
  • email:, or
  • the skool loop app.  

Thank you.

PTA Update



Due to the number of other Quiz type events on at the same time and the slow uptake of table sales the PTA made the difficult decision to postpone the quiz. Apologies to anyone who has already committed to the evening.

The PTA have some left over stocks of popcorn they wish to sell. First in first served, available through the school office. 

Fruit flavoured $2, Caramel flavoured $1.50 and Microwave $

(Please note the Caramel & Fruit are near their expiry date)

The Term 3 Fundraiser,  Bobby calf tag fundraiser is no longer an option. This was a significant contributor to our fundraising , netting approx $5000 last year. As an alternative, if you are an ANCO supplier, please consider nominating our school as part of ANZCO Rural Schools’ sponsorship programme.

We are investigating another fundraiser which we hope to be able to confirm next week.

Mini Fundraiser

Room 4 and 6 have been gifted some pumpkins to sell. They are $2 each (various sizes) and available from each of those rooms.

Perfect for that winter soup!

To add to your Diaries:

  • Monday 26th June – Yr 5 & 6 Rippa game at Yarrows Stadium
  • Tuesday 27th June – Yr 7 & 8 Rippa game at Yarrows Stadium
  • Wednesday 28th June – BOT Meeting 6.30pm
  • Thursday 29th June – Stratford High School Open Evening
  • Thursday 29th June – Yr 5 & 6 Crowley Cup Tournament at Stratford
  • Friday 30th June – Learner of the Term assembly 9am
  • Friday 30th June – ‘Move Your Butt’ Family Fun Afternoon 1.30pm – 3pm
  • End Term 1 – Friday 30 June 3pm
  • Start Back Term 3 Monday 17th July
  • Tuesday 25th July – Puanga Hakari he Hupa – Shared soup lunch
  • Friday 28th July – Taranaki Bulls rugby team visit
Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
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Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 14th June 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 2  Week 8 

Wednesday 14th June 2023

Thank you to those parents who attended the Online Safety presentation last week at Stratford High School. It was a very worthwhile evening and I am sure those who attended were left with lots to think about.

As a school we have access to Rob’s presentation and would like to share his story and message with anyone who was unable to attend last week. With this in mind I have tentatively put aside Thursday 22nd June (next week) for a showing. We would also hold a second one at the beginning of Term 2. More information will be sent home tomorrow with an RSVP form. In the meantime if you want more information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Please note, this is an adult only presentation.


A huge thank you to the parents who have provided transport to and from this event today.  Your support is very much appreciated.  We look forward to hearing how the team went when they get back this afternoon!


Just a couple of reminders in regards to hot lunches on a Tuesday.

  • Please NO frozen food as it takes too long to heat up and may not be heated completely by lunchtime.
  • Please wrap food in tinfoil and clearly name
  • Please NO paper bags or lunch paper as it a risk for fire
  • Please NO cellotape or gladwrap as it will melt.

Thank you.


    FROM  ROOM 3

Jones Cup: Jones Cup is a cluster schools event and is an opportunity for all children in years 5 -8 to participate in team sport, either netball or rugby. Games are played at Toko School with the winning teams securing the ‘Jones Cup’ and bragging rights for the year. Teams will be practising at school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon until match day which is 19th June. Thankyou to the parents who are able to either coach a team during the week and / or supervise on the day.

Children will be travelling to Toko by bus on Monday leaving around 9am and returning by 3pm. Games start at 10am. Parents are welcome to head out to Toko and watch the games. The Toko Friends of the School will have a food for sale throughout the day but we ask that children take a decent amount of food and drink with them. Ngaere Sports shirts are to be worn with a school jersey or jacket to put on between games.

If this is postponed we will post on our school facebook page by 8.15am.  

Postponement date: Wednesday 21st June

By Bryn

The frog is in the swamp. The frog was sitting on a lily pad waiting for a fly to come by. Then a fly came by then …. Snap!  The frog caught the fly.  “Yum” said the frog.

By Luke

The frog is hungry.  The frog is catching a fly.  The frog is jumping.

By Bahudha

Frogs are very slimey.  They eat flies and live in the creek.  And when they are in the creek they love the lily pad.

By Jake

The frog was in the green water.  It is catching some flys for lunch.  The frog is jumping along.


A friendly reminder, if you child is going to be away from school, could you please let the school know.  With the Ministry of Education cracking down on Truancy, the school is required to provide an reason as to why your child is absent.

This can be done either by:

  • Telephone  (06)  764  8643
  • email:, or
  • the skool loop app.  Information on the app is noted further on in the newsletter.

Thank you.



To add to your Diaries:

  • Thursday 15th June – Play Day, Midhirst (Rm 1&2 only)
  • Monday 19th June – Jones Cup, Toko (Yrs 5-8 only)
  • Monday 19th June – PTA Meeting
  • Monday 26th June – Yr 5 & 6 Rippa game at Yarrows Stadium
  • Wednesday 28th June – BOT Meeting 6.30pm
  • Thursday 29th June – Yr 5 & 6 Crowley Cup Tournament at Stratford
  • Friday 30th June – End Term 1
  • Saturday 1st July – PTA Quiz 
  • Start Back Term 3 Monday 17th July
  • Friday 28th July – Taranaki Bulls rugby team visit


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
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Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 07th June 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 2  Week 7 

Wednesday 7th June 2023

HOUSE MUFTI DAY: Dress in house colours on Friday 9th June. Please bring a gold coin donation for the ‘Move Your Butt’ fundraiser. All funds raised go towards bowel cancer awareness, research and patient support services. 


Teachers ‘Move It, Move It’ in assembly as part of the introduction to ‘Move Your Butt’ month.  On Friday we will have some fun house activities for everyone to be involved in.

CONGRATULATIONS and well done to the Year 5 & 6 Rippa team who won their pool games last week at Stratford Primary School. They then went on to win the semi finals but then narrowly lost 7-6 in the finals. They have now qualified to play in the ‘Champion of Champions’ games at Yarrows Stadium on Monday 26th June.

Thankyou to Simon, Hayden & Gareth for the coaching of their team.

Jones Cup: Jones Cup is a cluster schools event and is an opportunity for all children in years 5 -8 to participate in team sport, either netball or rugby. Games are played at Toko School with the winning teams securing the ‘Jones Cup’ and bragging rights for the year. Teams will be practising at school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon until match day which is 19th June. Thankyou to the parents who are able to either coach a team during the week and / or supervise on the day.

Children will be travelling to Toko by bus on the day. More details next week.

A huge “thank you” once again to Canter for Cancer who have very generously donated some more calf, lamb and dog covers to the school.

Make sure you check out their website and/or facebook page.  They have some pretty neat stuff for sale from leather bags, animal covers (including horse), clothing and much more.

A portion of sales go to the Child Cancer foundation.


A friendly reminder, if you child is going to be away from school, could you please let the school know.  With the Ministry of Education cracking down on Truancy, the school is required to provide an reason as to why your child is absent.

This can be done either by:

  • Telephone  (06)  764  8643
  • email:, or
  • the skool loop app.  Information on the app is noted further on in the newsletter.

Thank you.



You are invited to a Parents Cyber Safety Evening with Rob Cope on Thursday 8th June 7pm at Stratford High School. This will be a very worthwhile presentation.

To add to your Diaries:

  • Thursday 8th June – ‘Empowered Online’ parent presentation (SHS)7pm
  • Friday 09th June – Book Club Due
  • Friday 09th June – House Mufti Day Gold Coin Donation Appreciated
  • Wednesday 14th June – Yr 7 & 8 Rippa Tournament Hawera
  • Thursday 15th June – Play Day, Midhirst (Rm 1&2 only)
  • Monday 19th June – Jones Cup, Toko (Yrs 5-8 only)
  • Monday 19th June – PTA Meeting
  • Monday 26th June – Yr 5 & 6 Rippa game at Yarrows Stadium
  • Thursday 29th June – Yr 5 & 6 Crowley Cup Tournament at Stratford
  • Friday 30th June – End Term 1
  • Saturday 1st July – PTA Quiz 
  • Start Back Term 3 Monday 17th July
  • Friday 28th July – Taranaki Bulls rugby team visit


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 31st May 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 2  Week 6 

Wednesday 31st May 2023

Tree Planting At Soldiers Park in Eltham

Update Re Teacher Industrial Action: Teachers are meeting today to discuss the latest update from the Government concerning their collective agreement. Voting closes next week so we will not know until then whether it is accepted or not. Thank you for your understanding and support especially with collecting children early today.

If you are moving with the 01st June farm changeovers, please advise the school of any changes to your address or contact details . Thank you.


A friendly reminder, if you child is going to be away from school, could you please let the school know.  With the Ministry of Education cracking down on Truancy, the school is required to provide an reason as to why your child is absent.

This can be done either by:

  • Telephone  (06)  764  8643
  • email:, or
  • the skool loop app.  Information on the app is noted further on in the newsletter.

Thank you.

CANTERBURY ORDERS:  If you have ordered canterbury gear, it is now avaiable for pick up from the school office.



A huge thank you to the following businesses/farms for their support with the Fern’s Fuel for Schools programme.  For every 100 litres purchased 50 cents goes to Ngaere School.  We have just been advised that Ngaere has reached Ferns’ Fuel for School programme’s threshold for redemption and we are now able to purchase some awesome sports or technology packages:

Fergie Partners, GA & BJ Burke Partnership, GFC & VM Taylor Family Trust, Hu Farms Limited, Macbe Partnership, MYKA Farms, Niaruo Partnership, Nikorima Trust, Reid Recovery Limited, Rupapera Family Trust, Styger Rotokare Trust, Te Koa Dairy Farms Limited, The Hyjinks Trust, Te Rahui Trust & Willowbrook Partnership 

HOT FOOD TUESDAY begins next week – Tuesday 6th June  (after King’s Birthday Monday).  Children may bring something wrapped in tin foil.  Please ensure that the item is clearly named.  It will be  put in the pie warmer to heat and will be delivered back to them at lunchtime. 

We do not offer school lunches, but if you are struggling with school lunch for your child/ren, please contact the school office to talk confidentially with Megan or Karen in the office. We have options available to enable us to provide food for those who need it. 

SPORTS FEES:  A friendly reminder, if your child is playing Hockey, Netball or Basketball this season their fees are now due.  If you are unable to pay the full amount, we do accept smaller affordable payments.  Please see Karen in the office if you have any queries.  Thank you.



Informed and Empowered : All classes will shortly be engaging in the Informed and Empowered Online learning programme. The programme aims to help all students learn a little bit more about how to stay safer online by helping them have a better understanding of the overall potential dangers online relevant to their age group. We will be sending home pre learning information as well as post learning hints and activities.

You are invited to a Parents Cyber Safety Evening with Rob Cope on Thursday 8th June 7pm at Stratford High School. This will be a very worthwhile presentation.

No netball this Saturday

To add to your Diaries:

  • Monday 5th June – School closed for King’s Birthday weekend
  • Thursday 8th June – ‘Empowered Online’ parent presentation (SHS)7pm
  • Friday 09th June – Book Club Due
  • Thursday 15th June – Play Day, Midhirst (Rm 1&2 only)
  • Monday 19th June – Jones Cup, Toko (Yrs 5-8 only)
  • Monday 19th June – PTA Meeting
  • Friday 30th June – End Term 1
  • Saturday 1st July – PTA Quiz 
  • Start Back Term 3 Monday 17th July



Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
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Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0


Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 2  Week 5 

Wednesday 24th May 2023

Update Re Teacher Industrial Action: Teachers do not take the decision to strike lightly but many are frustrated that the Government is moving so slowly in their negotiations on the claims. Proposed strike action by primary teachers has been put on hold as has the two month work ban by Primary Principals (begun 24 April) while urgent negotiations take place. A decision will be made by the members of the union on Tuesday 30 May whether the proposed strike day of Wednesday 31 May will take place or not. Please be prepared as we will not be able to inform our communities until next Tuesday.

School may be closed on Wednesday 31 May due to teacher strike action.

Please advise the school (via either Megan or Karen) of any changes to your address or contact details following the 1st June farm changeovers.

HOT FOOD TUESDAY begins on Tuesday 6th June  (after King’s Birthday Monday).  Children may bring something wrapped in tin foil.  Please ensure that the item is clearly named.  It will be  put in the pie warmer to heat and will be delivered back to them at lunchtime. 

We do not offer school lunches, but if you are struggling with school lunch for your child/ren, please contact the school office to talk confidentially with Megan or Karen in the office. We have options available to enable us to provide food for those who need it. 

SPORTS FEES:  A friendly reminder, if your child is playing Hockey, Netball or Basketball this season their fees are now due.  If you are unable to pay the full amount, we do accept smaller affordable payments.  Please see Karen in the office if you have any queries.  Thank you.


Thank you so much to everyone who participated in Friday’s Pink Mufti Day.              The Student Council raised $215 on the day which will be passed on to a worthwhile charity.



(More details to follow)

Year 7 & 8 Technology: Children in Rooms 6 & 7 attend Stratford High School for their technology curriculum on alternate Tuesday mornings. The room has been purpose built for the primary schools to access the technology curriculum and is staffed by ex Pembroke School teacher Reece Saville. Over the past couple of sessions children have been designing and then printing vinyl stickers as pictured.

Enviro News:
Thank you so much to the parents who helped with transport to Lake Rotokare on Tuesday for the Biodiversity Day. All the children who went had a great day and learned from their activities.
Friday, 26th May we will be involved in a planting some of the 900+ plants for the revegetation of the area behind the swimming pool, Soldiers Park Reserve.  We hope to keep going back and checking the health of the plants that we plant, and releasing/pulling weeds back from around the base of the plants to ensure that they get a good chance to grow. 

Blue Light PCT Challenge: Sixteen year 7 & 8 children will be going to NP on Friday to compete against other schools in the annual Blue Light PCT (Physical Competency Test) Challenge. The winning team (of four students) will receive the Blue Light PCT Trophy, $400 voucher for their school and bragging rights! Teams are required to participate in a series of challenges including the ‘police car push’ as well as complete the Police Competence Test (PCT) – the obstacle course used in the entry exams for new police recruits.

Thank you to the parents who will be taking cars to transport our children to and from NP and good luck to those competing!

Coronation Stories from Room 4

To add to your Diaries:

  • Wednesday 24th May – BOT Meeting 6.30pm
  • Friday 26th May –  9.30am Restoration Planting at Soldiers Park, Eltham
  • Friday 26th May – Blue Light PCT Challenge – NP (Yr 7 & 8)
  • Monday 5th June – School closed for King’s Birthday weekend
  • Thursday 8th June – ‘Empowered Online’ parent presentation (SHS)7pm
  • Friday 09th June – Book Club Due
  • Thursday 15th June – Play Day, Midhirst (Rm 1&2 only)
  • Monday 19th June – Jones Cup, Toko (Yrs 5-8 only)
  • Monday 19th June – PTA Meeting
  • Friday 30th June – End Term 1
  • Saturday 1st July – PTA Quiz 
  • Start Back Term 3 Monday 17th July



Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
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Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0