Announcement : 

Newsletter Wednesday 30th August 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3  Week 7 – Wednesday 30th August 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Daffodil Day fundraiser last week. We raised $235 for the Cancer Society.

The Student Council made some amazing daffodils which are on display on our front lawn. They certainly added to the atmosphere of yellow on the day.

3rd Place Podium finish for Dallas – well done!

Congratulations to all children who took part in the Rural Schools Cluster Cross Country on Monday. We were very proud of the way you represented the school and yourselves.

Special congratulations to those who finished in the top 10 of their age races:

5 yr old girls: Caylahni O – 3rd 

6 yr old boys: Dallas O – 3rd, Bryn M – 7th, Kado S – 8th

7 yr old girls: Marnie M – 8th, Sarayah-Jade S – 9th 

7 yr old boys: Jake E – 4th, Leo M-W – 7th, Parker G – 8th, Finn K – 10th

8 yr old girls: Jahlaa C – 9th, Kisharna V -10th

9 yr old boys: Oliver O – 3rd, Archie M – 9th, Cooper B – 10th

10 yr old girls: Alice K – 4th, Ava D – 5th, Sam R – 6th, Sienna T – 8th, Molly G – 9th

10 yr old boys: Hayden M-H – 5th, Finn L – 7th

11 yr old girls: Kymahni C – 7th, Nikki Z – 8th

11 yr old boys: Daniel T – 3rd, Ollie L – 4th, Jaxon K – 6th, Tyler D – 7th, Angus O – 8th

12 & 13 yr girls: London O – 3rd, Kaylee E – 7th

12 & 13 yr old boys: Keegan K – 5th, Jacob R – 7th, Braith H – 10th    

Taranaki Bulls Rugby Fixture

We have had little interest in filling a bus to go to the rugby game vs Tasman on Sun 10 Sept. We do however, have tickets available. These are General Admission on the Northern Terrace.

Please get in touch with Karen in the office if you would like tickets which will be given out a week before the game which is Sunday 10 Sept.

Congratulations and well done to our year 7 & 8 teams who represented our school last week in the McLeod Shield (Rugby) and Hurlstone Cup (netball) matches. Our rugby team won all their games and will play 2nd place getter Kaimata in a final match for the shield. Date is still to be determined but will be this term.

Poetry Writing from Room 4

School Disco – Camp Fundraiser

This Friday (1st Sept) as a fundraiser for the upcoming Year 7 & 8 camp to Wellington.
The theme is ‘Neon’.
Juniors – Rm 1, 2, 3 from 5 – 6pm,
Seniors – Rm 4, 5, 6, 7 from 6:15 – 7:30pm
All students will need to be collected by a family member from the school hall at the end of the disco for their own safety.
Teachers will  only be allowing students of Ngaere School to attend.
Cost $2 Entry
Lollies, chippies, drinks for sale
(Cash Only)


Here’s the link for Ngaere School Pepper & Me Fundraiser
Wednesday 16th until Wednesday 30th August. 

This fundraiser is to support the Year 7 & 8 camp. Pepper & Me have all sorts of rubs, crumbs, sprinkles, salts, grinds, pastes & sauces, great for the up and coming BBQ season! (check out their website  

Just enter the above link between these dates to make your order.  If you go into the website without following the link just enter FUNDNGAERE to receive your discount. 

Enviro Report By Mila Evans

On Thursday the Ngaere School Enviro team worked together with a teacher from Enviro schools Taranaki, Sue Rine. Sue comes every Enviro afternoon. This week we are finding and creating microbes in soil. There are billions of microbes at work and we can see them with a microscope. We had some smelly experiences, but Sue says it smells for science. We got some soil and filled it with water, then we put it in a third of a jar. We had some boiled eggs and peeled the shells off and then we smashed the egg into little bits and put it in the jar on top of the soil. Then we filled the rest of the jar with water, but not to the top though. After that we found some hay and we felt what the inside felt like and it was hot and then we talked about it and found out that’s because all the hay is bunched together to make warmth. Then we put an egg in a bag and put it inside the hay and we will check on it next week. 

We are working hard to create the best soil we can for our gardens using all the scientific knowledge we are learning.



3 Prizes up for grabs! 


Tickets and money are due back Friday 1st September and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 8th September.

If you are able to take and sell more tickets, please see Karen in the office.

Once again, thank you to everyone who donated items towards this raffle.  



As the Bobby Calf scheme has been wound up, the school unfortuntely misses out on a significant fundraiser.  Please consider the Bull Calf Nomination scheme, where a bull calf is reared by you and the proceeds from the sale of the calf would go to the school.  We understand that this is a difficult year for some people, but any support would be very much appreciated.  Thank you.


School photos are still being processed.  We will advise when the access codes have been emailed.

 What’s On..

  • Mon 28th-Thur 31st August – EPro 8 week (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Wed 30th August – Pepper & Me Fundraiser Finishes Today
  • Friday 01st September – Junk Food Raffle Tickets & Money Due
  • Friday 01st September – Disco – Camp Fundraiser
  • Wednesday 6th September – Central Primary Schools Cross Country Stratford
  • Friday 08th September – Last day for Lucky Bookclub
  • Friday 08th September – Junk Food Raffle Drawn
  • Sunday 10th September – Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby match
  • Wednesday 20th September – Taranaki Schools Cross Country Champs in Hawera
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) – 
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3  Week 6 – Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Taranaki Bulls Rugby Fixture

We have had little interest in filling a bus to go to the rugby game vs Tasman on Sun 10 Sept. We do however, have tickets available. These are General Admission on the Northern Terrace.

Please get in touch with Karen in the office if you would like tickets which will be given out a week before the game which is Sunday 10 Sept.

COVID Isolation Rules Removed: You will have seen the Government has announce the removal of the mandatory COVID isolation rule, which took effect of 15th August 2023. The last of the COVID restrictions were removed following public health officials advice that COVID-19 is now considered low compared to other stages of the pandemic.

What does this mean for us? As with any other illness it is recommended that children stay home if unwell and should follow Ministry of Health guidelines in order to stop the spread of illness and keep others safe.

Ministry of Health Guidelines: If you test positive for COVID-19,  it is recommended you isolate for 5 days, even if you only have mild symptoms.

Cross Country: Rural Cluster Cross Country takes place on Monday 28th August at Rawhitiroa School.  All children will travel to the venue by bus. Please ensure your child is suitably attired for the day – they will run in shorts and either a school sports top or their school polo shirt. They will need their polar fleece to put on before and after the race and may need a jacket if particularly cold. Children will need a drink bottle and food for the day. There will be some food for sale (see price list below). The order of races is listed below to give you an indication of when your child might race. First Race starts at 11.15am with:- 

BOYS 12-13 YRS 3000 METRES

Parents are welcome to take their child home after their race but must advise a teacher before doing so.


Steak Sandwich-$5         Sausage & Bread-$3     Anderson Pie-$5       Chippies-$2

Lollies-$2     Canned Drinks-$2     Bottled Water-$1    

Mufti Day – Friday 25th August

Wear yellow and bring $2 as a donation to NZ Cancer Society Daffodil Day


Here’s the link for Ngaere School Pepper & Me Fundraiser
Wednesday 16th until Wednesday 30th August. 

This fundraiser is to support the Year 7 & 8 camp. Pepper & Me have all sorts of rubs, crumbs, sprinkles, salts, grinds, pastes & sauces, great for the up and coming BBQ season! (check out their website  

Just enter the above link between these dates to make your order.  If you go into the website without following the link just enter FUNDNGAERE to receive your discount. 



3 Prizes up for grabs! 

Tickets on sale NOW!.

Tickets and money are due back Friday 1st September and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 8th September.

If you are able to take and sell more tickets, please see Karen in the office.

Once again, thank you to everyone who donated items towards this raffle.  


PET DAY – Wednesday 11th October

With Pet Day coming up in the first week of next term, it is time to start thinking about your Pet.

This year we will be judging the pets in four categories – Dogs, Cats, other Household Pets and ‘Non breathing Pets’ (pet rocks, stuffed toys). Children with dogs will be asked to lead them as part of the judging.

Lambs will be judged on rearing, leading and calling, and calves on rearing and leading.

All children with pets will be expected to complete an overview of how they look after their pet which will form part of the judging. This form will be distributed just prior to the holidays and must be returned within the first two days of Term 4 for the pet to be judged. This form will also include lambs and calves.

CUP REMINDERCould we please have all pet day cups/trophies from last year returned to the school office asap.  Thank you.


As the Bobby Calf scheme has been wound up, the school unfortuntely misses out on a significant fundraiser.  Please consider the Bull Calf Nomination scheme, where a bull calf is reared by you and the proceeds from the sale of the calf would go to the school.  We understand that this is a difficult year for some people, but any support would be very much appreciated.  Thank you.

 What’s On…

  • Wed 16th-Wed 30th August – Pepper & Me Fundraiser Finishes Today
  • Wednesday 23rd August – Ngaere School Board meeting
  • Wednesday 23rd August – Sausage Sizzle Forms & Money Due
  • Thursday 24th August – Yr 7 & 8 Hurlstone (netball) & McLeod (rugby) matches, Hawera
  • Friday 25th August – Daffodil Day – Mufti Day – Dress in ‘Yellow’ $2 for Cancer NZ
  • Monday 28th August – Rural Cluster Cross Country @ Rawhitiroa (PP 30th Aug)
  • Mon 28th-Thur 31st August – EPro 8 week (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Friday 01st September – Junk Food Raffle Tickets & Money Due
  • Friday 01st September – Disco – Camp Fundraiser
  • Wednesday 6th September – Central Primary Schools Cross Country Stratford
  • Friday 08th September – Last day for Lucky Bookclub
  • Friday 08th September – Junk Food Raffle Drawn
  • Sunday 10th September – Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby match
  • Wednesday 20th September – Taranaki Schools Cross Country Champs in Hawera
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) – TBC
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)

Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 16th August 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 3  Week 5 – Wednesday 16th August 2023






As the winter sport season draws to an end, a huge “THANK YOU” to Coaches and Parent Helpers of the teams.  Your support is very much appreciated.

SPORTS UNIFORMS:  Thank you to those who have returned their Netball and Basketball uniforms.  If you haven’t already done so, could you please return them to the school office asap.  Thank you.

Rugby Tickets:  A reminder to let Karen in the office know if you are interested in a complimentary ticket and/or a seat on the bus for you and /or your child/children to the Yarrows Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby game, Sunday Sept 10th 2.05pm.

Cost would be around $12 per seat on the bus, adult or child. 

Thank you to Matahio Energy for the complimentary tickets.


There has been a confirmed case of Influenza A at Ngaere School.  Below is some information on this virus:

Influenza A symptoms: Unlike a common cold, the flu typically occurs with a sudden onset of symptoms. Common signs of an influenza infection include:

If your child presents with any of these symptoms, please keep them home. Sometimes, Influenza A symptoms may resolve on their own. However, if symptoms persist for more than a week without improvement, please schedule a visit with your doctor.


School Photos – (Class, Individual, Sibling & Sports)

These were taken last Friday. When the photos are ready to view you will be emailed an Access Key Code.  With this code you can select and purchase your photos through Photolifes website.  The school will advise when the codes have been sent. If you do not receive an access code in the next couple of weeks., please contact Karen in the office as she will have the master list of codes.  

SENIOR CAMP Week 7 Term 4 21st-24th November

Camp fees have now been invoiced to accounts.  Payments can be made in installments from now on, either by cash to the school office, or direct credit to: 

Ngaere School BOT 15-3951-0380444-00

Please be sure to note your child’s name or family name when making the payment via the internet.  If you have any issues with meeting this cost, please contact Mrs England to discuss options.


Here’s the link for  Ngaere School  Pepper & Me fundraiser

This fundraiser is to support the Year 7 & 8 camp. Pepper & Me have all sorts of rubs, crumbs, sprinkles, salts, grinds, pastes & sauces, great for the up and coming BBQ season! (check out their website  

The discount code will be live from Wednesday 16th until Wednesday 30th August.  Just enter the above link between these dates to make your order.  If you go into the website without following the link just enter FUNDNGAERE to receive your discount.  




3 Prizes up for grabs!  Rooms 6 & 7 will be selling the tickets from today for $2 per ticket.  If you are able to sell an extra sheet (10 tickets) there are a limited number of sheets available from the school office.  Please see Karen.

Tickets and money are due back Friday 01st September and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 08th September.

Once again, thank you to everyone who donated items towards this raffle.  


PET DAY – Wednesday 11th October

With Pet Day coming up in the first week of next term, it is time to start thinking about your Pet.

More information about this day to come following the PTA meeting on Monday 21st August.

CUP REMINDER – could we please have all pet day cups/trophies from last year returned to the school office asap.  Thank you.

 What’s On…

  • Thursday 17th August – Yr 8 Student Interviews with SHS
  • Monday 21st August – PTA Meeting 7pm staffroom
  • Wed 16th-Wed 30th August – Pepper & Me Fundraiser code goes live
  • Wednesday 23rd August – Ngaere School Board meeting
  • Wednesday 23rd August – Sasuage Sizzle Forms & Money Due
  • Thursday 24th August – Yr 7 & 8 Hurlstone (netball) & McLeod (rugby) matches, Hawera
  • Friday 25th August – Daffodil Day – Mufti Day – Dress in ‘Yellow’ $2 for Cancer NZ
  • Monday 28th August – Rural Cluster Cross Country @ Rawhitiroa (PP 30th Aug)
  • Mon 28th-Thur 31st August – EPro 8 week (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Friday 01st September – Junk Food Raffle Tickets & Money Due
  • Friday 01st September – Disco – Camp Fundraiser
  • Wednesday 6th September – Central Primary Schools Cross Country Stratford
  • Friday 08th September – Last day for Lucky Bookclub
  • Friday 08th September – Junk Food Raffle Drawn
  • Sunday 10th September – Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby match
  • Wednesday 20th September – Taranaki Schools Cross Country Champs in Hawera
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) – TBC
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)

Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 09th August 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 3  Week 4 – Wednesday 09th August 2023

A warm welcome to Olivia and Duncan who have joined us

at Ngaere this week. 



Huge congratulations to these nine year 7 & 8 girls who successfully convinced the judges the validity of their arguments at the Rural Cluster Debates last week. They did themselves and Ngaere School proud with their confidence. Well done!

Rugby Tickets:  A reminder to let Karen in the office know if you are interested in a complimentary ticket and/or a seat on the bus for you and /or your child/children to the Yarrows Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby game, Sunday Sept 10th 2.05pm.

Cost would be around $12 per seat on the bus, adult or child. 

Thank you to Matahio Energy for the complimentary tickets.

What a big week! Congratulations to our senior rugby team for a win over Toko on Monday.

Well done to the Year 7 & 8s who participated in the annual Rich Weir netball and rugby matches. Both games were well contested and we were thrilled to regain the rugby trophy this year. A big thank you to Toko School, Finn from Taranaki rugby, the umpires and the coaches for making the day happen.

School Photos: Class, individual, sibling and sports photos will be taken at school on Friday 11th August. Please return sibling photo forms by Thursday afternoon. Following the photos you will be emailed a Photo Access Key Code to select and order your photos.  If you do not receive a code please contact Karen in the office as she will have the list of codes.  

Students are to be dressed in correct school uniform for the class photos please – clean school polo shirt with either navy or black bottoms.

Students are to please bring their sport uniform to school this day for the sports photos, Netball, Basketball and Hockey.  Netball Dresses and Basketball Singlets are to be handed back to the school office after the photos. Thank you.

SENIOR CAMP Week 7 Term 4 21st-24th November

Camp fees have now been invoiced to accounts.  Payments can be made in installments from now on either by cash to the school office, or direct credit to 

Ngaere School BOT 15-3951-0380444-00

Please be sure to note your child’s name or family name when making the payment via the internet.  If you have any issues with meeting this cost, please contact Mrs England to discuss options.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this raffle, it is very much appreciated.  If you have yet to donate, below is a ideas of items that are still requried:

  • Giant lollipops and novelty items
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Cake mixes
  • Novelty cake decorations, baking items


Enviro Group

This term we are very excited to have Sue Rine the Enviroschools Coordinator working with us every Thursday from 1.30 to 3.00 pm. Sue is working through a series of lessons around identifying and creating good soil in our gardens with the surprising name of “Soil your Undies”. Last week Sue joined us to bury 4 pairs of cotton underpants to find the best soil around the school. In about 8 weeks we will dig them up to find which pair of underpants has the most holes. Lots of holes will indicate good soil; microbes, insects, moisture and fungi all show good soil presence. This week we are looking at the structure and profile of good soil.
Envirogroup don’t forget to bring your gumboots and change of clothes each Thursday. Perhaps a rain jacket too.


Thank you for supporting Pirate Mufti Day. $200 was raised.


Here’s the link for  Ngaere School  Pepper & Me fundraiser

This fundraiser is to support the Year 7 & 8 camp. Pepper & Me have all sorts of rubs, crumbs, sprinkles, salts, grinds, pastes & sauces, great for the up and coming BBQ season! (check out their website  

The discount code will be live from Wednesday 16th until Wednesday 30th August.  Just enter the above link between these dates to make your order.  If you go into the website without following the link just enter FUNDNGAERE to receive your discount.  


PET DAY – Wednesday 11th October

With Pet Day coming up in the first week of next term, it is time to start thinking about your Pet.

More information about this day to come following the PTA meeting on Monday 14th August.

CUPScould we please have all pet day cups/trophys from last year returned to the school office.  Thank you.

What’s On…

  • Friday 11th August – School photos
  • Monday 14th August – PTA Meeting 7pm staffroom
  • Wed 16th-Wed 30th August – Pepper & Me Fundraiser code goes live
  • Wednesday 23th August – Ngaere School Board meeting
  • Thursday 24th August – Yr 7 & 8 Hurlstone (netball) & McLeod (rugby) matches, Hawera
  • Friday 25th August – Daffodil Day – Mufti ‘Yellow’ $2 for Cancer NZ
  • Monday 28th August – Rural Cluster Cross Country @ Rawhitiroa (PP 30th Aug)
  • Mon 28th-Thur 31st August – EPro 8 week (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Wednesday 6th September – Central Primary Schools Cross Country Stratford
  • Sunday 10th September – Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby match
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) – TBC
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 02/08/2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Term 3  Week 2 – Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Welcome Joel and Kiana to the Junior room.

Thank you to Taranaki Rugby Union and Matahio Oil & Gas for bringing some Taranaki Bulls players to school on Friday.

Rugby Tickets: Thanks to Matahio Energy we have a number of complimentary general admission tickets to the Yarrows Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman game on Sunday 10th September. We are currently investigating the possibility of taking a bus to the game. This would allow for us to take children even if their parents were unable to go to the game, as long as we had enough adult supervision. There would be a charge of  around $12 per seat on the bus, adult or child. If you are interested in tickets for the game and / or the possibility of a seat on the bus please register your interest with Karen in the office.


This Friday (04th August) come to school dressed as a Pirate $2 coin please.

We will have Red Nose items for sale  avaiable from the school office.

Red Noses $2  Badges $2  Wristbands $3.

All funds raised will go to Cure Kids.  Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Puanga shared soup lunch successful.

Those who gave vegetables and ingredients for soup, those who helped prepare, PTA for buns, parents and grandparents for coming along.

School Photos: Class, sibling and sports photos will be taken at school on Friday 11th August. Please return sibling photo and sports team forms by Thursday afternoon. Following the photos you will be emailed a Photo Access Key Code to select and order your photos.  If you do not receive a code please contact Karen in the office as she will have the list of codes.  

Students are to be dressed in correct school uniform for the class photos please – clean school polo shirt with either navy or black bottoms.

Students are to please bring their sport uniform to school this day for the sports photos, Netball, Basketball and Hockey.  Netball Dresses and Basketball Singlets are to be handed back to the school office after the photos. Thank you.

Congratulations to the winners of the Puanga Soup Mug design competition…

Junior Section:
1st: Leo Mackenzie-Woods – 50 House points (Totara)
2nd: Rikki McMahon – 30 House points (Kowhai)
3rd: Luke Dettling – 10 House points (Rimu)
Senior Section:
1st: London Oxenham – 50 House points (Rimu)
2nd: Lacey Beck – 30 House points (Totara)
3rd: Kate Sturmer – 10 House points (Pohutukawa)

The standard was very high and judging was difficult, the children had really put a lot of thought into designs that reflected the spirit of Puanga.

Rich / Weir Cup: This is an annual tradition where Ngaere plays against Toko in both netball and rugby for the Rich & Weir cups. Children will travel by bus to Toko, leaving at around 12pm with games starting at Toko School at 1pm. Parents are welcome to head out to support our teams. There may be seats on the bus if needed.

Celebrating Success: We are very proud of our Ngaere students and enjoy seeing them succeed both here at Ngaere and when they move on to secondary school and beyond. This week I want to profile a past pupil and a current one.

Luci Haami – Year 13 Taranaki Diocesan School. Attended Ngaere School 2010-2018.

Luci has recently been recognised with the 2023 Stratford District Youth Citizen Award. She has twice been the recipient  of Taranaki Diocesan School’s Mana Wahine award, won the Sports Woman of the Year in 2022, is the School’s Sports Captain, leads the Kapa Haka group and serves on the school Student Council.

Added to that is her success on the rugby field. She currently plays for Inglewood and Taranaki Whio. Luci was selected for a training camp for NZ Rugby U18s as well. Luci also enjoys the academic side of school. 

We are very proud of all you have achieved Luci!

Celia Gribble: Year 8 Ngaere School

Celia is one of our School Captains for 2023 and confidently and capably represents our school when asked to do so. Celia enjoys her school work and has recently picked up the challenge of learning spanish which she is able to now access through the Virtual Learning Network, (Kotuia Ako) an online collaboration of schools in NZ. She also meets once a week, online with other like minded students in a ‘Complex Thinking’ class. Outside of school Celia is a member of the Flyers Swim School. During the week Celia also attends Speech & Drama lessons and piano lessons. She competes in competitions for both these areas and has recently achieved Grade 5 with Hons+ in her Speech & Drama. 

She has dreams of maybe one day heading into medicine.

We are very proud of Celia and her achievements.

PTA Samosa Fundraiser: Thank you to everyone who was able to support this fundraiser. $2285.46 was raised which is awesome!!! Samosas will be back at school for pickup this week on Thursday or Friday.  We will let you know via text and the school loop app when they have been sorted and ready to pick up.  Please be prepared to come and collect your order on these days as this product requires refrigeration and we unfortunately do no have the space here at school to store them.



Here’s the link for  Ngaere School  Pepper & Me fundraiser

The next fundraiser is to support the Year 7 & 8 camp.  The discount code will be live from Wednesday 16th until Wednesday 30th August.  Just enter the above link between these dates to make your order.  If you go into the website without following the link just enter FUNDNGAERE to receive your discount.  

Pepper & Me have all sorts of rubs, crumbs, sprinkles, salts, grinds, pastes & sauces, great for the up and coming BBQ season! (check out their website  

PET DAY – Wednesday 11th October

With Pet Day coming up in the first week of next term, it is time to start thinking about your Pet.

More information about this day to come following the PTA meeting on Monday 14th August.

CUPS – could we please have all pet day cups/trophys from last year returned to the school office.  Thank you.

What’s On…

  • Thursday 3rd August – Yr 7 & 8 Debating at Stratford High School
  • Thursday 3rd August – NZ Playhouse visit & show
  • Friday 4th August – Mufti – ‘Dress Like a Pirate’ -$2 for Red Nose Fundraiser
  • Friday 4th August – Yr 7 & 8 (virtual) Lead Conference (School Hall)
  • Monday 7th August – Rich / Weir Cup – Yr 7 & 8 Rugby/Netball  vs Toko
  • Friday 11th August – School photos
  • Monday 14th August – PTA Meeting 7pm staffroom
  • Wed 16th-Wed 30th August – Pepper & Me Fundraiser
  • Wednesday 23th August – Ngaere School Board meeting
  • Thursday 24th August – Yr 7 & 8 Hurlstone (netball) & McLeod (rugby) matches, Hawera
  • Friday 25th August – Daffodil Day – Mufti ‘Yellow’ $2 for Cancer NZ
  • Monday 28th August – Rural Cluster Cross Country @ Rawhitiroa (PP 30th Aug)
  • Mon 28th-Thur 31st August – EPro 8 week (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Friday 22nd September – last day term 3
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) – TBC
  • Tuesday 21- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


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