Announcement : 

Newsletter Wednesday 25th October 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 3 – Wednesday 25th October 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

SCHOOL SUN HATS:  School Sun Hats are required to be worn for outside play from next week onwards.  If your child requires a replacement hat, they are available from the school office for $15.

Congratulations to both our EPro8 teams.

Our Yr 5 & 6 team of Quinn, Mila, Connor & Guy came first and our Yr 7 & 8 team of Kymahni, Helena, London & Poppy came 2nd in their respective challenges. Both teams now move on to the final which is at Devon Intermediate School, NP on Thursday 4pm for the Yr 7 & 8 team and Friday 10.30am for the Yr 5 & 6 team.

Senior Athletic Sports: Monday 30th October at Toko School for Year 5-8

Children will travel to Toko by bus. If you wish to take your child home at the end of the day you must tell their teacher.

As the day begins with a briefing at 9.15am we would like all children in Years 5 – 8 to be at school by 8.30am to allow buses to leave before 9am. There will be food for sale but we ask that children bring sufficient food and drink for the day and ensure they have their school polar fleece or jacket to wear if the day is cooler.

The day will begin with the Open 800m race in year groups followed by a rotation of activities including long jump, high jump, discus and running.  Times below will be fairly accurate in order to get through the day.

Parents are welcome to come along and watch. if you are able to help on an activity please see your child’s teacher.

(If wet Postponement is Wednesday Nov 1st)

Congratulations to Celia (1st) & Kelsey (2=) in the Interschool Speech finals today at Eltham School. They are pictured with place getters from both Eltham and Rawhitiroa schools. All 4 girls will represent our area at the Lions Junior Speechmaker in Hawera on 5th November.

Community Survey: One of our school’s strategic goals focuses on educationally powerful partnerships between our learners and our school community. We know how important whanau voice and support is for all our learners at Ngaere School and would appreciate you taking the time to fill in the following survey to guide our thinking as we review and revise our strategic thinking. 

2023 Community Survey

Should you wish to include your name and contact details you will be eligible to go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher.


Can  all the pet day trophies please be returned to the school office asap so we can get them engraved.  Thank you.

LOST PROPERTY:  There is alot of clothing items in the lost property cupboard at the moment.  If you are in the school at any stage, please take the time to come and have a look at the blue cupboard, you may recognise items of clothing that belong to your child/ren. The cupboard is situated on the decking  between Rooms 4-5 and the office. 


Friday 27th Loud Shirt Day / Support the All Blacks!

Children are invited to wear mufti on Friday to show support of the deaf community by wearing a LOUD shirt or to wear black to show pride in our All Blacks rugby team ahead of Sunday morning’s Rugby World Cup final. A gold coin donation is expected which will be forwarded to support both children and adults who need cochlear implants to hear.

Calendar Art from Room 7


 What’s On..

  • Thursday 26th Oct – EPro8 Yr 7 & 8 Finals Devon Intermediate, 4-7pm
  • Friday 27th Oct – EPro8 Yr 5 & 6 Finals Devon Intermediate 10.30am – 1.30pm
  • Friday 27th Oct – MUFTI DAY – Gold coin donation please
  • Monday 30th October – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Tuesday 31st October – PTA Meeting 7pm (all welcome)
  • Wednesday 1st November – Board meeting 6.30pm
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Friday 17th November – Stratford High School Orientation – Year 8
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) School closed
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Thursday 23rd November – Bookclub due 
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
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Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 18th October 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 2 – Wednesday 18th October 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Welcome back to the last term of 2023.

We currently have a roll of 166 having had 5 new children join us last week. Welcome to Alfie,  Myles & Axel (NEs), Chayce (yr 1) and Carter (Yr 3). 

A huge thank you to teachers, PTA members and parent helpers who worked together for another successful Pet Day, and also to all of the sponsors of the day: Farmsource, Hellers Sausages for Schools,  Matthew & Co Real Estate, Pioneer Seeds, LIC, FMP, Smaxtec, Thomson ONeill Eltham, Adan Larsen Builders, Baldock Earthmoving Ltd, Taranaki Automotive, FIL, Fern Fuels, Taranaki Vets and Eltham Vets.  Your support is very much appreciated!                             Please feel free to offer any feedback on how you felt the day went or how we can improve, either through email to me or by attending the next PTA meeting on 31st October. If you didn’t get a chance to look at all the craft, we have a selection on display in the foyer for the next few days. Congratulations to the winners of the trophies.

We are working through our strategic plan and will shortly be sending out a quick survey to gather some more whānau voice. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of our school, so please take the time to answer the short questionnaire. If you would prefer to meet face to face to give your feedback then you are always welcome to make an appointment with me through the office.

Looking ahead to next year, we are about to start organisation for classes for 2024.  This can be a huge and complex task, as we consider a variety of information such as numbers in each year group,  friendships and clashes, student learning styles and teacher’s teaching styles.  Sometimes, however, these things are out of our control. If you wish to share any issues or considerations about your child’s learning and friendships that you feel may impact on their class placement for 2024, now is the time to let me know – email me or have a chat with your child’s teacher. 

On Monday 20 November, all the schools in the local area will be having a Teachers Only Day. Primary Schools have been given this time by the Ministry of Education to look at the updated New Zealand Curriculum. 

On a personal note, I have been offered an amazing opportunity through my involvement with Lions Clubs NZ for an international role in the organisation. Contrary to the stories that have been circulating, I am not resigning as Principal at the end of the year.  

Nga mihi nui,


That was Pet Day

by Room 3


Well done to everyone who participated in this years Pet Day!



Diary Junior Leading – Emelia Lawrence              Dairy Junior Rearing – Emelia Lawrence           Junior Reserve Champion – Miya Patterson         Junior Champion – Emelia Lawrence

Dairy Intermediate Leading – Finn Lawrence          Dairy Intermediate Rearing – Finn Lawrence            Intermediate Reserve Champion – Kyrah Ruparera Intermediate Champion – Finn Lawrence

Dairy Senior Leading – Harry Savage                      Dairy Senior Rearing – Harry Savage                        Senior Reservce Champion – Kelsey Perrett      Senior Champion – Harry Savage

Dairy Type Heavy Breeds – Emelia Lawrence     Dairy Type Light Breeds – Kelsey Perrett

Beef Junior Champion – Toby Waite                      Senior Beef Champion – London Oxenham

Calf Rearing Group McGregor Sheild – Lawrence Family


Junior Reserve Champion – Hunter O’Neill Junior Lamb Champion – Bryn Moir

Intermediate Reserve Champion – Isla Atkin    Intermediate Lamb Champion – Stella Joblin 

Senior Reserve Champion – Tyler Dettling  Senior Lam Champion – Oliver Larsen           

Overall Lamb Calling – Bryn Moir

Overall Lamb Champion – Ava Dettling   


Best Junior Pet – Dallas O’Neill   

Best Junior/Intermediate Pet – Lily Manukonga-Whitmore

Intermediate Champion Pet – Cooper Beck

Senior Champion Pet – Jaiah Otene

Overall Reserve Champion Pet – Quaid Swan

Overall Champion Pet – Cooper Beck

Could we please have all the pet day trophies returned to the school office asap so we can get them engraved.  Thank you.

EPro 8: Tomorrow we have 2 teams competing in the annual EPro 8 Engineering and Technology challenge at Stratford Primary School. Children work as a team of four to complete engineering design challenges and accumulate as many points as possible during the set time. Parents are welcome to stay to watch the event but are not allowed to help or talk with the students while they compete unless in health or danger related situations. 

Good luck to our Yr 5 & 6 team of Quinn, Mila, Connor & Guy and our Yr 7 & 8 team of Kymahni, Helena, London & Poppy.

Scholastic Book Orders due back 23rd November

Reminder: Children do not need to use their cell phones at school. Parents are able to leave a message through the school office if necessary. If it is vital that a child has their phone for after school contact then it must be handed in to the office in the morning and collected at the end of the day.

Speech Competition: Our 6 senior speech finalists will be presenting their speeches again at Eltham School next Wednesday along with finalists from Eltham and Rawhitiroa schools. The top three speakers will be invited to participate in the Lions Junior Speech Competition in Hawera on Sunday 5th November. Good luck to Celia, London, Lacey, Scarlett, Kelsey and Kaylee.

By Harper K & Oliver O (Room 4)

On Thursday Sue from Taranaki Regional Council came to vist Room 4. We had to answer 3 questions which were: 1. Where does our water go after we use it? (Ocean / Sewer) 2. How do we use water? (Drink it / Shower with it) 3. Who uses water? (Animals / insects / humans / plants / trees)

Sue told us that if someone puts something in the water it can affect the water and the person drinking it can get sick. Sue brought in a sample of what it looks like under the ground. There are leaky landfills, lakes or rivers, well, aquifer, unconfined gravel, unconfined aquifer, confining layer, ground water flow and sands and silt.

She had a pump at the back of the example box. She also had different syringes. One of them had red food colouring that she pumped into the ground. We saw where it went.

Sue told us that if we ever see anyone dumping something into a river or lake to call the Taranaki Regional Council.

Sue taught us heaps. Thanks Sue!

 What’s On..

  • Thursday 19th October – EPro 8 Challenge (Yr 5 & 6 9.30am / Yr 7 & 8 5.00pm)
  • Monday 23rd October – LABOUR DAY (no school)
  • Wednesday 25th October – Interschool speech competition at Eltham School
  • Monday 30th October – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Tuesday 31st October – PTA Meeting 7pm (all welcome)
  • Wednesday 1st November – Board meeting 6.30pm
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Friday 17th November – Stratford High School Orientation – Year 8
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) School closed
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Thursday 23rd November – Bookclub due 
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 20th September 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3  Week 10 – Wednesday 20th September 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Well here we are again at the end of another busy term. 

We currently have a roll of 161 with 10 new children joining us this term. This includes 3 new families to our school.

It was great to see Rooms 3 & 4 celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, or Māori Language Week with the use of te reo Māori as they introduced each item in assembly last Friday. 

We have continued to offer many opportunities for our children this term.

With sport, we had a Yr 7 & 8 team in both the Hurlstone Trophy – netball & McLeod Shield – rugby tournaments and one senior boy competed alongside other intermediate aged children at the Aims Games in Tauranga. All children took part in the annual rural cluster corss country at Rawhitiroa School and a small group went on to compete at the Central competition in Stratford and the Taranaki competition in Hawera. Our year 7 & 8s were hosted at Stratford High School and put through a very competitive ‘Tough Kids’ course which proved to be a lot of fun for all. We also had a vist from some of the Yarrows Taranaki Bulls rugby players.

Rooms 5, 6 & 7 took advantage of a number of EPro8 kits in the school with small group challenges designed to promote science, engineering and problem solving. From there we have chosen a group to represent our school at the regional competition in Stratford next term. Senior children have been preparing and presenting their speeches with finals taking place tomorrow to choose our best to go forward against students from Eltham & Rawhitiroa schools. Technology continues for our Year 7 & 8 children with fortnightly sessions at Stratford High School.

Our senior debating teams took part and came out on top in the rural cluster debates. 

School finishes for the term at 3pm on Friday and resumes on Monday 9th October. The first two days classess will be working on their craft exhibits which will be judged and on show Wednesday 11th, Pet Day.

By the time school resumes we will have new turf, ready for summer tennis.

Enjoy the holiday break with your children.

Nga mihi nui,


Concrete layer being pumped. The turf is then laid over it (with rubber matting between the turf and the concrete).


A form will come home those students who have indicated that they would like to be part of next terms interschool touch tournment which is required back at school by the Friday 22nd September.  If you require a form, please see Mr Mercer or Karen in the office.

The competition will be held on a Tuesday night, beginning Tuesday 10th October 2023 and for the following 6 weeks:  Year 3/4 4.30-5pm, Year 5/6 5-5.30pm and Year 7/8 5.30-6pm.  

Each team will require coach or the team cannot be entered.  If you are able to help, please let Mr Mercer know.

Games are 7 aside with a minimum of 2 girls on the field. Cost is $10 per player payable to the school office or online, Ngaere School BOT Account 15–3951-0380444-00. 

We would love to see as many participants as possible.

Daylight Saving starts 24 September 2023 at 2 am, New Zealand’s time-clocks advance by one hour. Daylight Saving ends on 7 April 2024 Sunday at 3 am, our time-clocks fall back by one hour.

Pet Day Crafts: You will have received the notice regarding the craft activities in each class. Please talk to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. These are to be done at school and will be on display on Pet Day Wednesday 11th October.

Pet Day Diaries:  These will come home with the students who have entered a pet this week.  These diaries are required to be completed over the school holidays and will be part of the judging criteria for all of the pets.  The diaries are required to be returned to school on the first Monday or Tuesday of next term, before Pet Day which is on Wednesday 11th October.   

We still have chocolate bars for sale. Children are able to purchase these at 3pm from the school office- $2 a bar

PTA Update :

PET DAY – Wednesday 11 October.

Many hands make light work!

We need helpers on the day to do a stint on the barbeque or cake stall or selling raffle tickets.

If you can help for half an hour or so please let Karen in the office know.       Any help is very much appreciated.

Maize Maze 2024 – The PTA are planning on running a Maize Maze again this summer but we really need the support of the community to ensure it is successful. If you are able to contribute to this fun event in any way we would love to hear from you. Would you consider being part of a small organising committee? Can you help with the clearing and weeding leading up to the event? Would you like to be a sponsor? Could you commit to a stint one weekend when it is up and running? We look forward to hearing from you!

CCC Clothing Fundraiser – Order forms have gone home for a chance to get shorts ready for the new term! A quick turnaround. Please have orders in by Friday 22nd Sept,

Next meeting is Sunday 8 October – Come along if you would like to help with Pet Day preparation.

End of Term Assembly

 Friday 22nd Sept starting at 2.15pm 

 What’s On..

  • Wednesday 20th September – Taranaki Schools Cross Country Champs in Hawera
  • Friday 22nd September – End of Term Assembly @ 2.15pm
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3  – Happy Holidays
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins 
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Monday 30th October – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) 
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


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Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
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Newsletter Wednesday 13th September 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3  Week 8 – Wednesday 13th September 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Ngaere School 43 – Kaimata 22

Congratulations to Ngaere team who beat Kaimata for the second time to win the McLeod Shield last Friday.  Well done!  Also a huge thank you to the parents involved with coaching the team.


The Central Schools Cross Country was held last Wednesday at the Stratford Race Course.  Congratulations to all those students who participated.

9yrs & under Girls  2000m      Isla Atkin  19th   9.13min                                                

9yrs & under  Boys  2000m    Oliver O’Brien-12th-8.11min, Archie Meads-20th-                                                          8.34min, Cooper Beck-31st-9.17min

10yr Girls        2000m       Sam Rown-2nd-8.44min, Ava Dettling-9th-8.57min,                                                       Alice Kerr-22nd-10.11min, Molly Gribble-26th-10.33min

10yr Boys       2000m       Hayden Muggeridge-Hart-8th-8.11min                                                                           Finn Lawrence-13th-8.41min

11yr Girls       3000m        Nikki Zuppicich-4th-14.30min                                                                                         Isabella England-11th-15.20min

11yr Boys       3000m        Daniel Taunt-6th-13.03min, Tyler Dettling-10th-13.46min,                                              Jaxon Kelbrick-15th-14.28min, Oliver Larsen-17th-14.31                                                min, Angus O’Sullivan-20th-15.32min

12yr Girls        3000m       London Oxenham-3rd-13.44min                                                                                     Kaylee Evans-13th-17.33min

12yr Boys       3000m        Keegan Kerr-2nd-11.27min


Wednesday 20th September 2023

Some children have indicated an interest in entering this event. Information and a permission slip will come home with them today.  Could we please have this returned to the school office, along with the $5 entry fee, as soon as possible so we can get the entries into the Hawera Harrier Club. Again, runners will be issued with a number which will be used to record their placing.  Numbers will be advised once we have all the entries in.


Work is beginning on the Turf replacemnt project with the concrete being poured on Monday and the new turf being laid shortly after. The turf area is completely out of bounds as of today! If you are here in the weekend please respect this as there will be needle like pins protruding from the turf.

Thank you to to the support of the following organisations who have helped with the funding of this project: Ngaere School Board, Ngaere School PTA,  Mataiho (Tamarind), TOI Foundation, Pub Charity and the TET.


If anyone would like a lamb to rear and share at Pet Day please get in touch with Simon, 0274105557. Lambs are available to rear and return (free) or buy ($50).

Pet lambs for sale.  $40 each. Contact Sarah Collier 027 2012943

Pet Day Crafts: You will have received the notice regarding the craft activities in each class. Please talk to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. These are to be done at school and will be on display on Pet Day Wednesday 11th October.

VISITS:  Next Monday there will be a visit from a couple of animal experts to talk to the students about their Lambs, Calves and Pets.  The Pet Diaries will come home next week so the students can complete them over the holidays.  These are to be returned by Tuesday 10th October as they will form part of the judging criteria.



By Molly  and Emelia 
Last week we spent some time making our gardens spic and span for our visitors. We weeded and tidied the garden taking pride in our school and showing respect for our environment. All the spring bulbs have come up and they look beautiful! We are getting the school garden ready for spring. Mr Wells dug our compost pit and what a surprise he found potatoes growing there. Vicki talked us through how potatoes sprout through their eyes. There were more potatoes from last year when we dug the garden to put the compost in. We are slowly getting to our goal of making good soil in the garden for planting.

PTA Update :

PET DAY – Wednesday 11 October.

Many hands make light work!

We need helpers on the day to do a stint on the barbeque or cake stall or selling raffle tickets.

If you can help for half an hour or so please let Karen in the office know.       Any help is very much appreciated.

Maize Maze 2024 – The PTA are planning on running a Maize Maze again this summer but we really need the support of the community to ensure it is successful. If you are able to contribute to this fun event in any way we would love to hear from you. Would you consider being part of a small organising committee? Can you help with the clearing and weeding leading up to the event? Would you like to be a sponsor? Could you commit to a stint one weekend when it is up and running? We look forward to hearing from you!

Uniforms: We have a significant amount of money outstanding from our uniform account. A decision has been made that uniform items must be paid for before they are sent home unless prior approval (from Megan or Karen) has been given.

Uniform Prices: Polo Shirts $42    Sports Shirts $40   Youth Polar Fleeces $39   Adult Polar Fleeces $42 Youth School Jacket $58  Adult School Jacket $62

Payment for uniform items to Ngaere PTA  Account: 15-3951-0390909-00

Should you have any questions in relation to uniform please feel free to contact the school.

 Next meeting is Sunday 8 October – Come along if you would like to help with Pet Day preparation.

End of Term Assembly: Next Friday 22nd Sept starting at 2.15pm (please note the earlier time which is to allow for across school sharing)

 What’s On..

  • Friday 15th September – Yr 7 & 8 Tough Kids at SHS 10am-12pm
  • Friday 15th September – Assembly 2.30pm in the Hall
  • Tuesday 19th September – Yr 7 & 8 Taranaki Dio “Annie” Production
  • Wednesday 20th September – Taranaki Schools Cross Country Champs in Hawera
  • Friday 22nd September – End of Term Assembly @ 2.15pm
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3  – Happy Holidays
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins 
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) 
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 06th September 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3  Week 8 – Wednesday 06th September 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Room 5 were surprised by a visit from Ken & Anna from More FM Taranaki 93.2 on Tuesday morning. Thank you to the lovely person who nominated the class for a box of Spudz apples which Ken & Anna delivered. While they were in class, they were treated to a rendition of our school waiata which was recorded. This was played on Wed morning radio and can also be heard via the rova app – (Choose More FM > select region: Taranaki)


Taranaki Bulls Rugby Fixture

We still have GA tickets available for the game this Sunday vs Tasman.

Gates open at 12.30pm with kickoff at 2.05pm.

Give Karen in the office a call if you would like some tickets to the game.


To be held here at Ngaere School Friday 08th September

Kick off at 1pm against Kaimata School

All welcome

Lambs for Pet Day: If anyone would like a lamb to rear and share at Pet Day please get in touch with Simon, 0274105557. Lambs are available to rear and return (free) or buy ($50).

Enviro Report By Sam Rowan and Angus O’Sullivan


Earthworms are so important for healthy soil. Earthworm tunnels bring in oxygen, drain water and create space for plant roots.

Did you know that earthworms only like food that was once alive and now dead? Like dead hair, dead insects, dead plants and much, much more.

Earthworms only like to live in dark and damp places. We got to make a worm farm to see how the earthworms move around and eat. We made it out of a 3 litre juice bottle. We created layers for the earthworm’s and made sure the soil was moist and dark. We put our mini worm farm in a black cotton bag.

After we made the worm farm we planted some plants in pots. Firstly we put some rich (filled with microbes) soil in a pot and then we put some seeds in it like kale and cauliflower. Sue gave us a rainbow mix of seeds to plant which are going to give us vegetables from the colours of the Rainbow.

PTA Meeting : Monday 11th at 7pm. All welcome.


Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser.  $165.74 was made which will go towards camp.


You should have received your code for your school photos. 

If you haven’t received one, please contact Karen in the office as she has the master list of codes.


A huge thank you to the seniors, teachers and anyone else who helped out with the organising and running of the disco on Friday night.  It was a huge success and fun was had by all who attended.

Oscar from Room 2 – “I liked dressing up as a Police Officer and running around arresting people and I liked the chocolate bars.  I ate one.”

Leo from Room 3 – “I drunk L&P and brought 2 bags of lollies and a chocolate bar.  I wore neon orange shorts.  I had heaps of fun dancing with my friends.”

Parker from Room 3 – “I drunk a coke cola and I brought a zombie watch and a packet of M&M’s.  I wore my motocross shirt which was bright neon yellow and orange.”

Emelia Room 4 – “I liked to see all of the bright colours and I liked all of the food to”.

Isla Room 4 – “My favourite part was when I got to dance with my friends on stage.  I liked all of the sweets to.”

 What’s On..

  • Friday 08th September – Mcleod Shield game against Kiamata 1pm Kick off at Ngaere School.
  • Friday 08th September – Last day for Lucky Bookclub
  • Friday 08th September – Junk Food Raffle Drawn
  • Sunday 10th September – Taranaki Bulls vs Tasman rugby match (Tickets still available)
  • Monday 11th September – PTA Meeting 7pm staffroom
  • Wednesday 20th September – Taranaki Schools Cross Country Champs in Hawera
  • Friday 22nd September – Last day term 3
  • Monday 9th October – Term 4 begins
  • Wednesday 11th October – PET DAY
  • Wednesday 1st November – Rural Cluster Athletics (Toko) Yr 5-8
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) – 
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Yr 5-6 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0