Announcement : 

Newsletter Thursday 23rd November 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 7

Thursday 23rd November 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai


Juniors on the bus to Midhirst for Tabloid Sports

End of Year Prizegiving: Thursday 14th December 7pm at Stratford High School Hall. This is an opportunity to celebrate our Year 8 leavers and present our end of year trophies. More details will be sent home closer to the time.

This will be the last official day for children for the year. School will be open until 12noon on Friday but we would appreciate it if children were not sent to school unless absolutely necessary. This is an opportunity for staff to do their final classroom clean and tidy as well as share information with your child’s next year teacher. 

The last day for the Ngaere school buses will be Thursday 14th December. 

Community Survey – Last chance

Drawn tomorrow

2023 Community Survey

Should you wish to include your name and contact details you will be eligible to go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher which will be drawn 24th November.


School Magazine: Room 6 children have been working on collating all the photos and stories from throughout the year for our school magazine. They have done a great job ensuring that the activities from throughout 2023 have been included. It is just about to go to the printer to be returned in plenty of time for the end of the year. They will be on sale for $20 from the school office.

Year 7 and 8 children are currently in Wellington enjoying an urban experience, pictures from Police College & Space Place

Junior Tryathlon: On Friday, 1st December children in Rooms 1-4 will be participating in a Junior Tryathlon at school. This will be in the middle block, from 11.15am.  Children may participate as an individual or in a group of three (all from the same year group), with one doing the biking, one doing the running and one doing the swimming.  Children will compete in their year group starting with the Year 0s. When they have finished then the Year 1s will start followed by the Year 2s then Year 3s and then Year 4s.   If your child is the cyclist or participating as an individual they will need to bring their bike.  These will need to be put down along the outside of the turf fence on arrival at school.  Cyclists will need a helmet and covered shoes.  Ngaere Sports shirts can be worn or school uniform.

SWIMMING:  Swimming will begin on Monday 27th November for Rooms 4, 5, 6 & 7.  This will be weather dependant and at the Teachers discretion.  

Junior Big Day Out: On Thursday 7th December children in Rooms 1, 2 and 3 will be heading to Hollard Gardens for their Big Day Out. A letter with further details will be coming home tonight.

Thank you to the kind person who left a container of lollies in the teacher’s workroom last week. Such acts of kindness are really appreciated, especially during report writing time!

Thank you too, to those who have provided us with homebaking during the year. Again, very much appreciated by all the staff.


There is currently alot of unclaimed items of clothing in the lost property cupboard.  If you are in school at any time please have a look at the big blue cupboard which is situated on the deck area outside Rooms 4 & 5. 

PET DAY TROPHIESThese are now back from the engravers and can be collected from the school office.



Can you help with the Maize Maze?

Would you like to contribute $100 in return for your business being promoted in the maze?

If you would like to help with the PTA fundraising efforts during the year please contact PTA Chair Monica (0276635565) or talk to Karen in the office (7648643)

Next Meeting 7pm Wed 6th December in the staffroom. All welcome.

 What’s On..

  • Monday 27 Nov – Swimming begins (weather dependent)
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 1 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Friday 1 Dec – Try-athlon for Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Tuesday 5 Dec – Board Meeting 6pm
  • Wednesday 6 Dec – PTA Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 7 Dec – Hollard Gardens (Rms 1, 2, 3)
  • Thursday 7 Dec – Senior Triathlon (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Friday 8 Dec – Float entry in Eltham Christmas Parade
  • Monday 11 Dec – Reports home this week
  • Tuesday 12 Dec – Rm 4 Vertical Horizon’s day
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving 7pm SHS Hall
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4 (Children not expected at school)

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


The school holidays are nearly upon us – keep the kids entertained by taking them to an action- packed game of basketball.
The BNZ Breakers have 8 Auckland games remaining this season and every single game promises plenty of fun, giveaways, and entertainment for the whole family. Choose the dates that suit you and get behind the BNZ Breakers. Tickets are on sale at

Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 23rd November 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 7

Thursday 23rd November 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Juniors on the bus to Midhirst for Tabloid Sports

End of Year Prizegiving: Thursday 14th December 7pm at Stratford High School Hall. This is an opportunity to celebrate our Year 8 leavers and present our end of year trophies. More details will be sent home closer to the time.

This will be the last official day for children for the year. School will be open until 12noon on Friday but we would appreciate it if children were not sent to school unless absolutely necessary. This is an opportunity for staff to do their final classroom clean and tidy as well as share information with your child’s next year teacher. 

The last day for the Ngaere school buses will be Thursday 14th December. 

Community Survey – Last chance

Drawn tomorrow

2023 Community Survey

Should you wish to include your name and contact details you will be eligible to go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher which will be drawn 24th November.


School Magazine: Room 6 children have been working on collating all the photos and stories from throughout the year for our school magazine. They have done a great job ensuring that the activities from throughout 2023 have been included. It is just about to go to the printer to be returned in plenty of time for the end of the year. They will be on sale for $20 from the school office.

Year 7 and 8 children are currently in Wellington enjoying an urban experience, pictures from Police College & Space Place

Junior Tryathlon: On Friday, 1st December children in Rooms 1-4 will be participating in a Junior Tryathlon at school. This will be in the middle block, from 11.15am.  Children may participate as an individual or in a group of three (all from the same year group), with one doing the biking, one doing the running and one doing the swimming.  Children will compete in their year group starting with the Year 0s. When they have finished then the Year 1s will start followed by the Year 2s then Year 3s and then Year 4s.   If your child is the cyclist or participating as an individual they will need to bring their bike.  These will need to be put down along the outside of the turf fence on arrival at school.  Cyclists will need a helmet and covered shoes.  Ngaere Sports shirts can be worn or school uniform.

SWIMMING:  Swimming will begin on Monday 27th November for Rooms 4, 5, 6 & 7.  This will be weather dependant and at the Teachers discretion.  

Junior Big Day Out: On Thursday 7th December children in Rooms 1, 2 and 3 will be heading to Hollard Gardens for their Big Day Out. A letter with further details will be coming home tonight.

Thank you to the kind person who left a container of lollies in the teacher’s workroom last week. Such acts of kindness are really appreciated, especially during report writing time!

Thank you too, to those who have provided us with homebaking during the year. Again, very much appreciated by all the staff.


There is currently alot of unclaimed items of clothing in the lost property cupboard.  If you are in school at any time please have a look at the big blue cupboard which is situated on the deck area outside Rooms 4 & 5. 

PET DAY TROPHIESThese are now back from the engravers and can be collected from the school office.



Can you help with the Maize Maze?

Would you like to contribute $100 in return for your business being promoted in the maze?

If you would like to help with the PTA fundraising efforts during the year please contact PTA Chair Monica (0276635565) or talk to Karen in the office (7648643)

Next Meeting 7pm Wed 6th December in the staffroom. All welcome.

 What’s On..

  • Monday 27 Nov – Swimming begins (weather dependent)
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 1 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Friday 1 Dec – Try-athlon for Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Tuesday 5 Dec – Board Meeting 6pm
  • Wednesday 6 Dec – PTA Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 7 Dec – Hollard Gardens (Rms 1, 2, 3)
  • Thursday 7 Dec – Senior Triathlon (Rms 5, 6, 7)
  • Friday 8 Dec – Float entry in Eltham Christmas Parade
  • Monday 11 Dec – Reports home this week
  • Tuesday 12 Dec – Rm 4 Vertical Horizon’s day
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving 7pm SHS Hall
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4 (Children not expected at school)

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


The school holidays are nearly upon us – keep the kids entertained by taking them to an action- packed game of basketball.
The BNZ Breakers have 8 Auckland games remaining this season and every single game promises plenty of fun, giveaways, and entertainment for the whole family. Choose the dates that suit you and get behind the BNZ Breakers. Tickets are on sale at

Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 6

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Congratulations to Kowhai House for winning the first ever Ngaere School House Singing competition. Judges commented on the good song choice, ‘Mama Mia’ which had definte audience appeal.

Room 4 Calendar Art

Junior Tabloid Sports: Tabloid sports for children in years 0-4 will on Thursday 16th Nov at Midhirst School. Postponement day is Friday 17th. All children will travel by bus, leaving school at 9.30am to arrive in plenty of time for a 10am start.

Teams have 15 minutes at each rotation before moving on to the next activity with the last round finishing around 11.45am with lunch from 12 noon. Children will then come back to school for the afternoon programme. It is not necessary to take your child home for the afternoon but should you wish to you must advise the class teacher.

Parents are welcome to watch on the day.

Stratford High School Orientation Day: Year 8 Friday 17th – 9am -2pm.

Children are to find their own way to Stratford High School on the day and are to meet at the school stadium with a pen, paper, water & snacks for the day. There will be a sausage sizzle lunch. Children are able to wear mufti with a warm jersey or jacket if the day is cooler. Covered in shoes are required. Any questions please talk to Year 8 teachers, Lisa or Emma.

School Closed Monday 20th Nov – Teacher Only Day

End of Year Prizegiving: Thursday 14th December 7pm at Stratford High School Hall. This is an opportunity to celebrate our Year 8 leavers and present our end of year trophies. More details will be sent home closer to the time.

This will be the last official day for children for the year. the school will be open until 12noon on Friday but we would appreciate it if children were not sent to school unless absolutely necessary. This is an opportunity for staff to do their final classroom clean and tidy as well as share information with your child’s next year teacher. 

The last day for the Ngaere school buses will be Thursday 14th December. 

One week left to have your say

Community Survey

One of our school’s strategic goals focuses on educationally powerful partnerships between our learners and our school community. We know how important whanau voice and support is for all our learners at Ngaere School and would appreciate you taking the time to fill in the following survey to guide our thinking as we review and revise our strategic thinking. 

2023 Community Survey

Should you wish to include your name and contact details you will be eligible to go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher which will be drawn 24th November.


School Magazine: Room 6 children have been working on collating all the photos and stories from throughout the year for our school magazine. They have done a great job ensuring that the activities from throughout 2023 have been included. It is just about to go to the printer to be returned in plenty of time for the end of the year. They will be on sale for $20 from the school office.



Can you help with the Maize Maze?

Would you like to contribute $100 in return for your business being promoted in the maze?

If you would like to help with the PTA fundraising efforts during the year please contact PTA Chair Monica (0276635565) or talk to Karen in the office (7648643)


If you are not using Ballance, and you or anyone you know  would like a no obligation visit from the Ballance Rep to discuss your fertiliser plan please contact:

Tomiko Mayo Nutrient Specialist

 ph 021 2805068 

 What’s On..

  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Friday 17th November – Stratford High School Orientation – Year 8
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) School closed
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Thursday 23rd November – Bookclub due 
  • Monday 27 Nov – Swimming begins (weather dependent)
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Tuesday 5 Dec – Board Meeting 6pm
  • Wednesday 6 Dec – PTA Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 7 Dec – Hollard Gardens (Juniors)
  • Friday 8 Dec – Float entry in Eltham Christmas Parade
  • Monday 11 Dec – Reports home this week
  • Tuesday 12 Dec – Rm 4 Vertical Horizon’s day
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving 7pm SHS Hall
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4 (Children not expected at school)

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


The school holidays are nearly upon us – keep the kids entertained by taking them to an action- packed game of basketball.
The BNZ Breakers have 8 Auckland games remaining this season and every single game promises plenty of fun, giveaways, and entertainment for the whole family. Choose the dates that suit you and get behind the BNZ Breakers. Tickets are on sale at

Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 08th November 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 5

Wednesday 8th November 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai


A HUGE thank you to all the families, both from school and the wider community who nominated Ngaere School with Fern Fuel’s ‘Fuel for Schools’ programme. We were able to purchase a vege pod as well as a Cricut machine for use as school with the accumulated funds.


Junior Tabloid Sports: Tabloid sports for children in years 0-4 will be next Thursday 16th Nov at Midhirst School. Postponement day is Friday 17th. All children will travel by bus, leaving school at 9.30am to arrive in plenty of time for a 10am start.

Teams have 15 minutes at each rotation before moving on to the next activity with the last round finishing around 11.45am with lunch from 12 noon. Children will then come back to school for the afternoon programme. It is not necessary to take your child home for the afternoon but should you wish to you must advise the class teacher.

Parents are welcome to watch on the day.

Please take the time to have your say.

Community Survey: One of our school’s strategic goals focuses on educationally powerful partnerships between our learners and our school community. We know how important whanau voice and support is for all our learners at Ngaere School and would appreciate you taking the time to fill in the following survey to guide our thinking as we review and revise our strategic thinking. 

2023 Community Survey

Should you wish to include your name and contact details you will be eligible to go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher which will be drawn 24th November.


Education Outside the Classroom: We have a number of EOTC events this term with Year 7 & 8 heading to Wellington in a couple of weeks for their urban experience, Rm 5 staying a couple of nights at Konini Lodge, Mt Taranaki with lots of tramping planned, Rm 4 having had a day at Lake Rotokare on Monday and a day at Vertical Horizon’s planned for the last week of school, and a junior trip to Hollard Gardens later in the term.

None of these events would be possible without the support of parents so a big thank you to those who have volunteered to help in any way whatsoever for the class excursions.

We are limited in the number of adults we can take on overnight stays by the space available at the booked facilities and appreciate that a number of children can be disappointed their parents are not going with them. We see camps as a chance for children to test their independence a bit, supported by adults who are not their parents. However, we do understand that for some children the experience is too daunting. If your child is not attending camp they are still expected at school for the time their class is away.


Camp fees for both the Yr 7 & 8 trip to Wellington and the Rm 5 trip to Konini Lodge are due by Friday please.  If there is an issue with payment of these fees could you please contact the school to discuss.  Thank you.


We have a number of our children doing some amazing things outside of school.

Recently we had Amelia, Lacey B, Kate & Lacey S take part in Cheerleading competition in Auckland. Amelia & Lacey B’s team took out 1st place as did Kate & Lacey S’s team. Well done!

Kelsey & Celia both competed in the Lions Speech competition in Hawera on Sunday with Celia coming 3rd overall. Both girls did themselves, their families and our school proud!

We have had a number of children show their calves at Taranaki Calf Championship Days and they have come away with a number of wins between them. Well done to Miya P, Guy & Kelsey P, Emelia & Finn L, Harry S & Lacey B.

Room 4 – Writing


You must visit Lake Rotokare because you can camp, fish, go on bush walks and more! You can also discover cool bugs and animals like kiwis and amazing birds. Did you know that supple jack is a plant that you can eat? You can get water from it and eat it and it tastes like peas! Rotokare is a secured place that has a 2 metre fence that goes all over the lake which is 8 km long! The top of the fence is smooth so no claws from cats or any animals that have sharp claws can get in. 


A poem  about Ray

Ray, you were a bush walk guide who was amazing.

A thing we learned that you can survive on one plant called supplejack.

You told us about the rat traps, mouse traps and stoat traps and you set it off for us. 



How would you feel if you could take a nice cold swim in the summer at lake Rotokare?  Here is some information about lake Rotokare.

Did you know that lake Rotokare is 4 km long ? Lake Rotokare was built in the early 1870s and the fences were finished in 2008. The first bird to come  to lake Rotokare was the Saddle back. There are 2 different species of Saddle backs: the North Island and South Island saddleback. 

Lake Rotokare is 230 ha and the lake is 6m deep. Did you know that if you ever get lost in the bush at Lake Rotokare and if you run out of food and water you can eat supple jack. Supple jack has water inside it when you snap it and you can eat it. It Looks like asparagus.

Did you know that kiwi have 2 eggs but the average is 1. Kiwi eggs are around 120 centimetres long. There are around 200 kiwis at lake Rotokare.



We are planning a Maize Maze which will run for approximately 3-4 weeks from the end of February 2024 in our paddock beside the school grounds. Our fundraising goals for the school in 2024 include; new technology, updated sports uniforms, subsidised school sport fees, support with school camps and trips out into the community.  If you are able to help in any way with preping and maintaining of the maize maze, to helping out on the days that the maize maze is run, please let the school office know.  This is a major fundraiser for the school and any help would be very much appreciated.

Any school family businesses who would like to sponsor the Maize Maze, the cost is $100. Please contact the school office if you are interested.  By supporting our Maize Maze we will ensure your business has its name featured and advertised throughout our promotions and running of the event. There will be a treasure hunt competition through the Maze for participants to locate all of the sponsors businesses name and logo on a wooden picket, with their findings helping secure spot prizes that will be up for grabs.


If you are not using Ballance, and you or anyone you know  would like a no obligation visit from the Ballance Rep to discuss your fertiliser plan please contact:

Tomiko Mayo Nutrient Specialist

 ph 021 2805068 

 What’s On..

  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Friday 17th November – Stratford High School Orientation – Year 8
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) School closed
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Thursday 23rd November – Bookclub due 
  • Monday 27 Nov – Swimming begins (weather dependent)
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Tuesday 5 Dec – Board Meeting 6pm
  • Wednesday 6 Dec – PTA Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 7 Dec – Hollard Gardens (Juniors)
  • Friday 8 Dec – Float entry in Eltham Christmas Parade
  • Monday 11 Dec – Reports home this week
  • Tuesday 12 Dec – Rm 4 Vertical Horizon’s day
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving 7pm SHS Hall
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4 (Children not expected at school)

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0

Newsletter Wednesday 01st November 2023

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 4  Week 4 

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Please return all end of year trophies.

Good luck to Celia and Kelsey who will be representing Ngaere School at the Lions Junior Speechmaker competition in Hawera on Sunday. Members of the public are welcome – Hawera Community Centre 10am Sunday.

Senior Athletic Sports: Last Postponement Day – Monday 6th Nov at Toko School for Year 5-8

Children will travel to Toko by bus. If you wish to take your child home at the end of the day you must tell their teacher.

As the day begins with a briefing at 9.15am we would like all children in Years 5 – 8 to be at school by 8.30am to allow buses to leave before 9am. There will be food for sale but we ask that children bring sufficient food and drink for the day and ensure they have their school polar fleece or jacket to wear if the day is cooler.

The day will begin with the Open 800m race in year groups followed by a rotation of activities including long jump, high jump, discus and running.  Times below will be fairly accurate in order to get through the day.

Parents are welcome to come along and watch. if you are able to help on an activity please see your child’s teacher.

If Monday is wet or unpleasant weatherwise, then this event will be cancelled for 2023.

Please take the time to have your say.

Community Survey: One of our school’s strategic goals focuses on educationally powerful partnerships between our learners and our school community. We know how important whanau voice and support is for all our learners at Ngaere School and would appreciate you taking the time to fill in the following survey to guide our thinking as we review and revise our strategic thinking. 

2023 Community Survey

Should you wish to include your name and contact details you will be eligible to go in the draw for a $100 grocery voucher which will be drawn 24th November.


Gumboot Friday

Join thousands of NZers in wearing gumboots  on Friday in support of NZ Mental health awareness. Children may wear mufti (and clean gumboots) for a gold coin donation which will be forwarded on the the NZ Charity  ‘I am Hope’.


Year 7-8 camp fees are due by the end of next week.  If there is an issue with payment of these fees could you please contact the school to discuss.  Thank you.


We are planning a Maize Maze which will run for approximately 3-4 weeks from the end of February 2024 in our paddock beside the school grounds. Our fundraising goals for the school in 2024 include; new technology, updated sports uniforms, subsidised school sport fees, support with school camps and trips out into the community.  If you are able to help in any way with preping and maintaining of the maize maze, to helping out on the days that the maize maze is run, please let the school office know.  This is a major fundraiser for the school and any help would be very much appreciated.

 What’s On..

  • Friday 3rd November – “Gumboot Day” Mufti
  • Monday 6th November – Senior Athletics at Toko
  • Monday 6th November – Room 4 trip to Lake Rotokare
  • Thursday 16th November – Rural Cluster Tabloids (Midhirst) Yr 1-4
  • Friday 17th November – Stratford High School Orientation – Year 8
  • Monday 20th November – Teacher Only Day (MoE Directed) School closed
  • Tuesday 21st- Friday 24th November – Yr 7 & 8 Camp to Wellington
  • Thursday 23rd November – Bookclub due 
  • Wed 29 Nov  – Fri 01 Dec – Room 5 Camp Konini Lodge 
  • Thursday 14th December – End of Year prize Giving
  • Friday 15th December – Last day Term 4. School finishing at 12 noon.

(Please note this may not be a complete list and some dates may change)


Copyright © Ngaere School 2023
Click here to unsubscribe.
Powered by KiwiSchools 4.0