Welcome back to the last term of 2023.
We currently have a roll of 166 having had 5 new children join us last week. Welcome to Alfie, Myles & Axel (NEs), Chayce (yr 1) and Carter (Yr 3).
A huge thank you to teachers, PTA members and parent helpers who worked together for another successful Pet Day, and also to all of the sponsors of the day: Farmsource, Hellers Sausages for Schools, Matthew & Co Real Estate, Pioneer Seeds, LIC, FMP, Smaxtec, Thomson ONeill Eltham, Adan Larsen Builders, Baldock Earthmoving Ltd, Taranaki Automotive, FIL, Fern Fuels, Taranaki Vets and Eltham Vets. Your support is very much appreciated! Please feel free to offer any feedback on how you felt the day went or how we can improve, either through email to me or by attending the next PTA meeting on 31st October. If you didn’t get a chance to look at all the craft, we have a selection on display in the foyer for the next few days. Congratulations to the winners of the trophies.
We are working through our strategic plan and will shortly be sending out a quick survey to gather some more whānau voice. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of our school, so please take the time to answer the short questionnaire. If you would prefer to meet face to face to give your feedback then you are always welcome to make an appointment with me through the office.
Looking ahead to next year, we are about to start organisation for classes for 2024. This can be a huge and complex task, as we consider a variety of information such as numbers in each year group, friendships and clashes, student learning styles and teacher’s teaching styles. Sometimes, however, these things are out of our control. If you wish to share any issues or considerations about your child’s learning and friendships that you feel may impact on their class placement for 2024, now is the time to let me know – email me or have a chat with your child’s teacher.
On Monday 20 November, all the schools in the local area will be having a Teachers Only Day. Primary Schools have been given this time by the Ministry of Education to look at the updated New Zealand Curriculum.
On a personal note, I have been offered an amazing opportunity through my involvement with Lions Clubs NZ for an international role in the organisation. Contrary to the stories that have been circulating, I am not resigning as Principal at the end of the year.
Nga mihi nui,