Announcement : 

Newsletter, Term 1, Week 5, 2025

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT


Kia koutou e te whānau,

He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached the end of Week 5 already! Time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve just returned from some professional learning in Wellington – alongside Mr Mercer and Miss Hulme – as we continued our learning to bring structured literacy into our classrooms school-wide. The other teachers will be heading off next Monday and Tuesday to continue strengthening their knowledge in this area. This will help embed and sustain best practices in literacy for all our learners! School will continue to operate as normal but with a slightly adapted programme.

A massive “well done” to our swimmers who competed in the Turnbull Cup competition last week. It was great to see we’re up there with the best in this field. Long may this continue!

A big thank you to Mrs Brown and our parent supporters for ensuring this was a positive experience for our students. I look forward to attending in person next year.

The School Gala is fast approaching – please see below for some key details pertaining to this event. We are still looking for a few extra people to support the PTA with running this event. If you can lend a hand for 30 minutes to an hour, that would ease the load for all. We’re a bit light between 7-8om. Please click this link HERE if you are able to help but haven’t indicated availability in any previous communication.

Just a reminder that school will be closed for instruction next Friday 7th March. All teachers from Eltham through to Inglewood have a day of professional learning dedicated to supporting us to ensure we are meeting the new Ministry of Education requirements.

Have a fabulous weekend ahead. May the sun continue to shine.

As always – just reach out to me should you have anything you wish to discuss.

Ngā mihi nui

Shane (Mr B)

Turnbull Cup Swimming

On Wednesday evening, 15 students represented our school at the Turnbull Cup Competition. Every swimmer showed outstanding effort and represented our school proudly. The A relay team won the small schools relay trophy and placed second in the Centennial Cup relay. Tessa Savage, Emerson Waite and Khruze Otene placed first in their individual events. Well done to all of our swimmers, you were amazing!
A big thank you to Ashley Rupapera for assisting with the management of the team on the night.

The students enjoying morning fitness!!

Wednesday 26th February – Tuesday 4th March: Teachers involved in Structured Literacy training – school will remain open but teachers covering classes on these days will vary

Wednesday 05th March – Hockey Tournament in Stratford

Friday 7th March: Kāhui Ako Teacher Only Day – all schools in central region closed for Professional Development

Monday 10th March: Taranaki Anniversary Weekend (school closed)

Friday 14th March: School Gala

Tuesday March 18th: Rural Cluster Swimming Yr 5-8 Stratford Pools

SCHOOL GALA – 14th March 2025 
Attention Families, Caregivers, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Friends of Ngaere School, our Gala is fast approaching and we have an amazing array of stall holders and games for your families and friends.  
Bake Stall – a plate and plastic bag will come home to each family on the 11th March.  If you could please return to school on the morning of the 14th an item of baking – cake, buiscuts, scones, etc., to sell at the bake sale it would be very much appreciated.
Our fundraising goes towards giving our children a fantastic Ngaere School experience whether its school trips, technology upgrades and academic and sporting opportunities plus many more so please consider lending a hand, either let Karen in the office know or feel free to send me a txt 0273204667.
Thanks Kelly Larsen 
2025 Gala Co-ordinator
Thank you to the families who have donated items.  If you could please get your donations into the school office asap that would be great.  Thank you.
The PTA will have a grocery raffle at the gala as part of our fundraising, we are asking that each child donates an item for the raffle, to get a spread of items we would appreciate the following:
RM1: a packet of something
RM2: a bottle of something
RM3: sweet treats
RM4: canned items
RM5: a luxury item
RM6: a cleaning product
RM7: your choice
Please drop these items into the school office (no expired items please)
Thank you for your support!



Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls – Stratford

An integrated Anglican Year 9 – Year 13 Boarding and Day School

OPEN DAY – Wednesday 19 March 2025 – visit anytime between 10 am – 2 pm

Enrolments: Weekly Boarding, Part Boarding (2/3 nights) and Day Students

Daily transport options from and to New Plymouth and Hawera

Prospectus Packages available 06 765 5333

Virtual Tours available any time via website


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