Announcement : 

Wednesday 31st July 2024

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3 Week 2

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Welcome to Ngaere School to our newest 5 year old, Anna. Our roll is now at 161 with 3 more new entrants to start this term. Due to the high numbers in our Junior Room this term we have split Rooms 1 & 2 into 3 classes with Miss Hey teaching the new 5 year olds in R1, Mrs Andrews teaching the older Year 1s in the library and Miss Duncan taking the Year 2s in R2. This has resulted in smaller groups for at least 2 blocks every day. Miss Hey’s and Mrs Andrews’ children join together each afternoon to allow Mrs Andrews her time as Deputy Principal and Reading Recovery teacher. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to one of these teachers. 

It was great to welcome some of the Taranaki Bulls players to school on Friday. Thanks to Matahio Energy and Yarrows all children received a poster which they were able to get signed as well as a Yarrow cookie. We have General Admission Northern Terrace tickets for the Bulls game vs Waikato on 8th September, 2.05pm kickoff available for anyone who might want to take their children to the game. Please get in touch with Karen in the office if you are interested.

Just a general reminder that school begins at 8.55am. Please ensure children are here at school prior to the bell. If you know you will be late  please give the office a ring 764 8643 or txt 027 2219842. And once again if your child is absent from school, please advise either by the skool loop app, text. email or phone.  Thank you.

Kind regards


Congratulations! (Omitted from last week’s newsletter). Runners-up in the B Grade  Friday night interschool Basketball competition following a close game against Stratford Primary School. 

Thank you to coaches Aaron Waite & Chelsea Kerr.



Please have orders in by Thursday 9am.

You may order for the next 8 weeks or week by week.

We have added a few extra items to the menu.

Mince Pie $5, Mince & Cheese Pie $5, Sausage Roll $3, Lasagne Topper $3 small mince pie $1.50.

Spare order forms are available from the school office.


For those who have finished their Basketball and Netball season, could you please return your sports uniform to the school office.  Thank you.

EPro 8: Children in years 5 -8 have been enjoying their EPro 8 week where they have been given the opportunity to work in small teams focused on STEM (Science, Teachnology, Engineering, Maths) challenges. On Fiday there will be a ‘best of the best’ challenge to choose the Year 5 & 6 and Year 7 & 8 team members to go forward to compete against teams from other schools. 


We would like to take the time to mention and thank those who have contributed to our school through the Fern Fuel for Schools programme:

Benjamin Berger Partnership, Fergie Partners, G & J Hunger Contracting Limited,    GA & BJ Burke Partnership, Hu Farms Limited, Kacey Trust, Macbe Partnership, MYKA Farms, Nikorima Trust, Rupapera Family Trust, Styger Rotokare Trust, Te Koa Dairy Farms Limited, Te Rahui Trust, The Hyjinks Trust & Willowbrook Partnership

Your support is very much appreciated.


Community Engagement Meeting:

Proposed Amendment to the Ngaere School Enrolment Scheme

Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga| The Ministry of Education is working in collaboration with our school board to amend the enrolment scheme for our school.
The amendment is required to:
     • ensure the home zone includes all the addresses for which Ngaere School is the closest school of its type.
    • update references to legislation
    • remove ambiguities
A proposed amendment has been drafted and is available to be viewed at the school office.
As part of this process, the Board, along with the Ministry of Education would like to consult with the school community and with people living in the area for which the school is a reasonably convenient school. We are therefore holding a community engagement meeting at 3:30 pm on Thursday 1 August 2024, to be held here at school.
To help us with planning, could you please advise the school office on 06 7648643 if you are attending.
If you are unable to personally attend either meeting, or would prefer to respond via e-mail, please feel free to comment or ask questions by e-mailing John Dale, Senior Adviser Network via: .

Forward Planning – Some Dates for your calendar

  • Wednesday 31 July – Rm 6 visit to Rock Pools
  • Thursday 1 August – Enrolment Scheme Community Meeting 3.30pm 
  • Monday 5 August – PTA Meeting 7pm – Everyone Welcome
  • Wednesday 7 August – NZ Playhouse performance
  • Friday 9 August – Rich – Weir Rugby / Netball against Toko (at Ngaere) 1pm
  • Friday 9 August – Scholastic Book Club Due
  • Wednesday 14 August – Author visit (David Hill – Inglewood Primary School)
  • Friday 16 August – Lead Conference (Virtual)
  • Wednesday 21 August – McLeod Shield / Hurlstone Cup matches, Hawera
  • Wednesday 21 August – Board meeting
  • Thursday 22 August – Year 8 SHS Interviews 9am -1pm
  • Wednesday 28 August – Yr 7 & 8 EPro8 event, 4pm (SPS)
  • Friday 30 August – Yr 5 & 6 EPro8 event
  • Friday 30 August – Daffidol Day – Dress up in Yellow
  • Wednesday 4 September – Cross Country at Rawhitiroa (Yrs 3-8)
  • Friday 6 Sept – School Photos
  • Thursday 18 Sept – School Production
  • Wednesday 25 Sept – Taranaki Cross Country Champs – Hawera
  • Thursday 26 Sept – School Speech finals
  • Friday 27 Sept – Last Day Term 3
  • Monday 14 October – Term 4 Begins
  • Wednesday 16 Oct – Pet Day
  • Tuesday 12 – Thursday 13 Nov – Yr 7 & 8 Camp, TOPEC
  • Thursday 12 Dec – End of Year Prize Giving 
  • Tuesday 17 Dec – Last day 2024



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