Announcement : 

Newsletter Friday 14th February 2025

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT


Kia koutou e te whānau,

Nau mai hāere mai ki te wiki tuatoru!

Not a lot from me this week, as most relevant information should already be in your inbox or have been shared in your recent parent/teacher meetings.

Home School Partnership Hui were hugely successful with 130 interviews held over the course of Monday. 92% of our families made appointments and set goals alongside their child(ren) and their teachers – a real win to start the year! 

HERO – so far onboarding with the app has been really positive and it’s seemingly ensuring consistent and regular feedback between home and school. We are aware of balancing the amount of information being sent out; this will settle down once all the sports teams are established. I am interested in your feedback so flick me an email, text or pop in if you have any suggestions for streamlining things further.

See below for some key info relating to Music Lessons and our School Gala!

That’s all from me. Have a fab weekend!

Ngā mihi nui

Shane (Mr B)


Further to the notice earlier this term: 

After speaking with Ghislaine (tennis coach) we can confirm that the tennis lesson prices are for the whole 5 sessions with groups of 5 or more students – not each as previously thought, so

Juniors Years 1-4 on a Wednesday 30minutes x 5 weeks = $45

Seniors Years 5-8 on a Thursday after school 45minutes x 5 weeks = $60

Can you please Let Karen know in the office asap if you are interested in signing your child up for these lessons as they will be starting next week.


Breakfast club is back up and running again.  If your child/ren would like breakfast or a top up before school,  please tell them to come across to the hall kitchen between 8.15am – 8.45am for breakfast.


The competition is going to be run again later in the year, so start collecting those milk and cream lids again. The collection bin is outside the school office for you to drop your clean lids in to.

Music Lessons

  • As mentioned in previous communication, Ngaere School is looking to partner with some outside music providers to provide increased opportunities for our students to learn musical instruments.. There is the potential for children to learn: piano, guitar, ukulele, and potentially drums. To make it viable we need a few more students keen to jump on board.
  • Depending on student ability or previous experience, lessons may be offered in small groups. While the students would be able to attend lessons during school hours, any financial arrangement would be directly between the parents/caregivers and the itinerant teachers
  • Please complete the form linked HERE expressing your interest and we’ll get back to you with further information. NB: I’ve extended the deadline to Wednesday 19th February to give people enough time to make a decision

Wednesday 19th February: Board Meeting

Wednesday 19th-Thursday 20th February – Room 6 & 7 Overnight Camp to Te Wera

Friday 21st February: Scholastic Bookclub Due

Wednesday 26th February – Tuesday 4th March: Teachers involved in Structured Literacy training – school will remain open but teachers covering classes on these days will vary

Friday 7th March: Kāhui Ako Teacher Only Day – all schools in central region closed for Professional Development

Monday 10th March: Taranaki Anniversary Weekend (school closed)

Friday 14th March: School Gala

SCHOOL GALA – 14th March 2025 
Attention Families, Caregivers, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Friends of Ngaere School, our Gala is fast approaching and we have an amazing array of stall holders and games for your families and friends.  
This is our major fundraiser this year and for it to be successful we need your help. 
We will require helpers on our BBQ, Cake stall, raffles, supervising the bouncy castle and truck rides etc so please if you can spare us some time on the 14th March from 4.00pm for set up, during the gala 5.00-7.30pm or afterwards to pack up 7.30-8.00pm, many hands make light work and the PTA would really appreciate your help.
Bake Stall – a plate and plastic bag will come home to each family on the 11th March.  If you could please return to school on the morning of the 14th an item of baking – cake, buiscuts, scones, etc., to sell at the bake sale it would be very much appreciated.
Our fundraising goes towards giving our children a fantastic Ngaere School experience whether its school trips, technology upgrades and academic and sporting opportunities plus many more so please consider lending a hand, either let Karen in the office know or feel free to send me a txt 0273204667.
Thanks Kelly Larsen 
2025 Gala Co-ordinator
The PTA will have a grocery raffle at the gala as part of our fundraising, we are asking that each child donates an item for the raffle, to get a spread of items we would appreciate the following:
RM1: a packet of something
RM2: a bottle of something
RM3: sweet treats
RM4: canned items
RM5: a luxury item
RM6: a cleaning product
RM7: your choice
Please drop these items into the school office (no expired items please)
Thank you for your support!


Please click the link below to read Issue 6 of the Eltham Community Newsletter


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