Announcement : 

Newsletter Wednesday 14th August 2024

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 3 Week 4

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Kia ora katoa

Welcome to week 4, term 3. This term is racing by! The daffodils, fine days and calves around the surrounding area certainly remind us that spring is just around the corner.

As a school we are always lucky to be asked to support students who are working through their teacher training. Although this is hard work for the class teacher it is a wonderful opportunity to have an extra person to work alongside our learners. This term we have Dylan Iremonger in Room 7 for 5 weeks and continue to have Isabella Stewart one day a week in Room 6. 

We have recently had our school security system upgraded, including the installation of cameras. This has been part of the board’s 5 year property plan. Quotes have been sought for the first stage of the hall upgrade. Unfortunately as the board own the hall directly, this project must be funded from the school’s operational spending rather than through the Ministry of Education. The quotes will give us a guide as to what is the most important and cost effective Phase 1 (which the board hopes to begin before the end of this year). More updates as they are available.

Classes are busy practising their part in our school production which will be held in Week 8 of this term. It will be held at the TET Kings Theatre in Stratford. Due to the seating capacity we will hold both a matinee and an evening performance with details as to how to access tickets out soon.

A reminder, please to have your child is at school before the first bell at 8.55am. This ensures they are able to be included in the initial roll taking and are involved in their class setting up for the day.  Once again, if your child is going to be late or is away from school for the day, please let the school office know.

Kind regards



Whio – Room 5 have enthusiastically entered a Taranaki timetables Maths week challenge this week.
Learners are challenging other schools from around Taranaki as individuals, a class, and representing the school.
The competition runs from Monday to Wednesday night. 
Currently the class and school sit 3rd overall, and a few of our learners have made the top 50 (out of over 500 local students).
Head to to continue to use this engaging format to develop your timetables skills. (a subscription is required).

Congratulations to the Year 7-8 Netball who won the Rich Cup last Friday.  Well done girls!

Our Year 7 & 8 rugby team, with coach Greg Rowlands were all smiles despite being beaten in the Weir Cup game.

A huge thank you to the coaches of these two teams.

Community Health Survey – Thank you to the 21 of you who completed our recent Health Survey. This is now closed. Information will be collated and shared in next week’s newsletter. Congratulations to Kylie Keller who was drawn out to receive the $50 New World voucher.

McLeod Shield / Hurlstone Cup Year 7 & 8 interschool tournament. Children will travel by bus to Hawera, leaving school promptly at 8.40am, returning at 3pm. Notes have been sent home to those involved with venue and game information. Football will be played at the grounds on Turuturu Rd, both netball and rugby will be played Hicks Park / Hub courts with one netball game being played indoors. All welcome to watch. If unsure, please get in contact with Sports Coordinator, Jonny Mercer.


Please have orders in by Thursday 9am.

Mince Pie $5, Mince & Cheese Pie $5, Sausage Roll $3, Lasagne Topper $3 small mince pie $1.50.

Spare order forms are available from the school office.

PTA Update 

Planning is underway for the school Pet Day which will be held on Wednesday 16 October. We will be needing people to help with baking of goods for the Cake Stall as well as helping to ‘man’ it. There will be other opportunities to help as well. Please contact Karen in the office or Chelsea Kerr if you can help. 

It was mentioned at the last meeting that Ngaere School was one of the first to have a Calf Day way back in 1933. Imagine what kind of celebration could be had; 100 years of Calf Days in 2033.

Current Fundraiser is the delicious XL Pizzas from 4Square in Kaponga. Order forms were sent home with your child on Monday. There are spare forms available from the school office. These are extrememly tasty pizzas, freshly made and of a good size for a family.

Thank you to Hayden Lawrence for his offer to manage the school paddock through the various stages of growth and productivity.

A general reminder that the PTA is a parent led group that is essential in the support of the school through its fundraising efforts. 

Next meeting: 23 Sept 7pm – Main agenda item will be finalising Pet Day. All welcome to attend.

SPORTS UNIFORMS: Please return sports uniforms (basketball and netball) as soon as possible.  We need these back before school photos. Thank you.


Pet Day organisation is underway.  If you received a trophy last year for an event could you please drop back into the school office before the end of this term. Thank you.

Forward Planning – Some Dates for your calendar

  • Friday 16 August – Lead Conference (Virtual) Yr 7 & 8 only
  • Wednesday 21 August – McLeod Shield / Hurlstone Cup matches, Hawera
  • Wednesday 21 August – Board meeting 6.30pm
  • Thursday 22 August – Year 8 SHS Interviews 9am -1pm
  • Wednesday 28 August – Yr 7 & 8 EPro8 event, 4pm (SPS)
  • Thursday 29 August – School Cross Country (at Ngaere)
  • Friday 30 August – Yr 5 & 6 EPro8 event
  • Friday 30 August – Daffidol Day – Dress up in Yellow
  • Wednesday 4 September – Cross Country at Rawhitiroa (Yrs 3-8)
  • Friday 6 Sept – School Photos
  • Thursday 18 Sept – School Production
  • Monday 23 Sept – PTA Meeting 7pm
  • Wednesday 25 Sept – Taranaki Cross Country Champs – Hawera
  • Thursday 26 Sept – School Speech finals
  • Friday 27 Sept – Last Day Term 3
  • Monday 14 October – Term 4 Begins
  • Wednesday 16 Oct – Pet Day
  • Wednesday 6 Nov – Central Schools Athletic Day (Inglewood)
  • Tuesday 12 Nov – Junior Tabloids (Midhirst)
  • Tuesday 12 – Thursday 13 Nov – Yr 7 & 8 Camp, TOPEC
  • Thursday 12 Dec – End of Year Prize Giving 
  • Tuesday 17 Dec – Last day 2024


Rotokare Education Newsletter Term 3 – 2024


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