Announcement : 

Newsletter Wednesday 19th June 2024

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 2 Week 8

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Kia ora koutou,

Here at Ngaere School we have had another exciting week filled with amazing opportunities for our children. We are so fortunate to have such a great school whānau with parents going the extra mile to support the staff and students. Well done to our senior students who participated in the Jones Cup sports tournament on Monday at Toko School. This is always a great event for all students to have a go at Netball or Rugby whether they are a regular player or not. Some fantastic results with both year 7 & 8 rugby teams drawing for 1st, the Year 7 & 8 netball team coming second and the year 5 & 6 rugby team also coming second. A massive thank you goes to the coaches who helped out with training and running the teams on the day.

Jones Cup Report By Lacey & Tyler R7

On Monday the 17th of June the weather was not looking good. Despite this the Year 5 – 8 students headed out to Toko School to take part in the Jones Cup. The weather was a bit wet, but luckily towards the end of the day the sun was shining brightly.

Netball was really fun and we all played amazingly. The interceptions and goals caused a celebration every time. Everybody had a good time and we are proud of all of our teams. The yr 7 & 8  Ngaere Nebula team impressed us even more by walking away with the title of second place!

The rugby grounds were freezing cold but everyone got stuck in. The first game for the Year 7/8 was Ngaere vs Ngaere. It was a tough game. Well done to everyone who keep on going despite being tired and injured. We are proud of how everyone went. In first was Ngaere Nemesis, and in 2nd was the Ngaere Nukes.


Rugby Jerseys: Can you please check your child’s sports shirt, you actually may have one of our rugby shirts, we are missing 10 of them. They look like the sports shirts but are made from thicker, studier material. Please send back to school asap if you discover one at home.  Thank you.




ORDERS AND MONEY ARE DUE  9am TOMORROW (Thursday 20th June).


‘Champion of Champions’

Congratulations to our  Year 7 & 8 Rippa rugby team that qualified for the ‘Champion of Champions’ tournament at Yarrow Stadium. on the 25th June. We wish you good luck!!

The team also includes Grace R6, who was absent for our photo.

Junior School Science Kit: Plants Petals and Pollinators

It was the Junior School’s turn this week to work through the activities in the “House of Science” Kit. These award winning science kits are designed to empower teachers in raising the children’s scientific knowledge and ability to think like a scientist. This box is bursting with equipment that helps students ‘see’ the structure of plants and flowers. Activities include germinating two varieties of bean seeds, linking plants to food through a simple matching activity and playing the ‘pollination game’. A digital microscope allows students to see parts of a plant that are very small but crucial in its survival. This fits perfectly with Room 3’s enviro work, raising seedlings to sell on our produce stall with the support of their R7 William Pike Leader Poppy.

Junior Playgroup performing for our Cluster Play Day

A huge thank you to Ms. Hey who worked with a group of keen junior actors to perform the “Three Little Pigs” for the Junior Cluster Play Day at Midhirst school. The children were delighted to be able to perform it for the school during Friday Assembly.

The Art of the Portrait Painting

Our Community Ngaere School Art Expo

 We will be holding a Ngaere School Art Exhibition in the school hall in next week. The art works in the hall will be open to the community for viewing on the following days …                                        Day time viewings:

Monday 24th June : 8.30 am – 3.30 pm

Tuesday 25th June: 8.30 am – 3.30 pm

Wednesday 26th June:  Puanga Hākari//Community Celebration 12.30 pm.

Night time Viewing:

Monday 24th June: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

The PTA will have some raffles on offer for $2 (cash only please) which will be drawn on the afternoon of our Puanga Hākari/Community Celebration.

Puanga Hākari/Community Celebration

Whanau Day!

With Puanga drawing near we will be celebrating this year with a whanau BBQ on Wednesday the 26th of June.

We invite families to join us in the courtyard ( in the hall if wet) at 12.30 pm to begin with a welcome from our school leaders we will then …

Have a school and family scavenger hunt.

With your child as your guide you will be able to tour our classrooms with the community hobbies on display and tour the Art exhibition.

A BBQ Lunch will be served.

A huge thank you to the PTA for providing the BBQ lunch.

Please note that we asking that families please bring along a plate of baking (biscuits/cakes/slices/lollies) on the day to put on a baking table to share with children and whānau. Thank you.

Please get your Whānau/Puanga BBQ RSVP back to Karen ASAP.  These were sent home with the students yesterday.  If you did not receive one, there are copies available from the school office or attached below:


To Be Drawn Next Thursday 27th June 2024

  Can we please get all remaining tickets and money back by Wednesday 26th June.  Thank you.

Digging the New Spades!

The school leaders were very proud to be able to purchase new spades for the sandpit with the proceeds from the Enviro trolley. The sandpit is one of the Junior children’s favourite outside activities during breaks.

Celebrating Reading Success at Ngaere!

Star Readers who have achieved 50,75 or 100 nights reading!

Forward Planning – Some Dates for your calendar

  • Monday 24 – Wed 26 June – School ART expo
  • Wednesday 26 June – Puanga Lunch Family Day 
  • Thursday 27 June – Scholastic Bookclub Issue 3 Due
  • Thirsday 27 June – Firewood Raffle Drawn
  • Friday 28 June – Matariki Day (school closed)
  • Tuesday 2 July – Room 6 trip to NP Rock Pools
  • Tuesday 2 July – Mid Year reports home
  • Wednesday 3 July – Yr 5 & 6 Crowley Cup Tournament, Stratford
  • Wednesday 3 July – BOT Meeting 6.30pm 
  • Friday 5 July – Last Day Term 2
  • Monday 22 July – Term 3 Begins
  • Thursday 25 July – Taranaki Bulls Visit
  • Wednesday 7 August – NZ Playhouse performance
  • Friday 30 August – Yr 5 & 6 EPro8 event
  • Friday 6 Sept – School Photos
  • Wednesday 18 Sept – School Production
  • Friday 27 Sept – Last Day Term 3
  • Monday 14 October – Term 4 Begins
  • Wednesday 16 Oct – Pet Day
  • Tuesday 12 – Thursday 13 Nov – Yr 7 & 8 Camp, TOPEC
  • Thursday 12 Dec – End of Year Prize Giving 
  • Tuesday 17 Dec – Last day 2024



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