Announcement : 

Newsletter Wednesday 12th June 2024

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 2 Week 7

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

It has been wonderful to see all the children out and about in the playground playing sports and enjoying themselves with their friends. Here is a snapshot of the children enjoying a spot of sunshine yesterday, a nice break from all the wet days inside. What a great school we have, filled with great children!



What did Harold teach us …Report from Ella and R7

This week our school had the Life Education bus come to teach all the kids interesting stuff and we got some kids to tell us what they learnt. They told us some interesting things that they learnt and this is something they told us.

Leo and Maddie R4 said “If you react you make the problems bigger and if you respond they will get smaller. Be nice to others and don’t judge others for what they wear.”

Molly and Hayden R5 said “Hemi helped Kuppi when he was feeling sad and the others were bullying him. Harold was singing  and we all thought it was awful.”

Jake and Isabella R3 said “We both learned how to be happiness heroes.”

Alfie and Miya R1 said “I learned that you have to be kind and to use your wise owl brain.”

Caylahni and Mason R2 said “We learned how to always be kind to each other. Saying nice things to make other people feel good.”

Sheldon and  Isabella R6 said “To be kind and responsible, to try to respond not react. Be an upstander not a bystander.”

Olivia and Lotus R7 said “We learned to use integrity and how to stay calm when we feel like exploding.”



Celebrating Reading Success at Ngaere!

Reading together with your child helps to create a positive view of literacy and reading, it is a great way to strengthen your relationship and ensure success at school. Each Monday the Junior School celebrates all the children who are sharing their reading skills at home. Look at all these hard workers!

Star Readers who have achieved 50, 75 or 100 nights reading!

The Art of the Portrait Painting

Our Community Ngaere School Art Ex

All around the school the classrooms have been buzzing with work around our community. The children have been immersed in the study of portraiture, learning to create portraits using famous artists such as Modigliani, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol as their inspiration. To celebrate their learning we will be holding a Ngaere School Art Exhibition in the school hall in Week 9. The art works in the hall will be open to the community for viewing on the following days …

Day time viewings:

Monday 24th June : 8.30 am – 3.30 pm

Tuesday 25th June: 8.30 am – 3.30 pm

Wednesday 26th June:  Puanga Hākari//Community Celebration 12.30 pm.

Night time Viewing:

Monday 24th June: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

The PTA will have some amazing raffles on offer which will be drawn on the afternoon of our Puanga Hākari/Community Celebration.

Keep an eye out for a post on your child’s Seesaw account for details on how you could be involved in our Puanga Hākari/Community Celebration.


Puanga Hākari/Community Celebration

Whanau Day!

With Puanga drawing near we will be celebrating this year with a whanau BBQ on Wednesday the 26th of June.

We invite families to join us in the courtyard ( in the hall if wet) at 12.30 pm to begin with a welcome from our school leaders we will then …

Have a school and family scavenger hunt.

With your child as your guide you will be able to tour our classrooms with the community hobbies on display and tour the Art exhibition.

A BBQ Lunch will be served.

A huge thank you to the PTA for providing the BBQ lunch, more details on how you can contribute and RSVP will be sent out closer to the date.


To Be Drawn Thursday 27th June 2024

  If anyone has tickets they are unable to sell, can you please return       them to the school office as we have people who can sell them.         Thank you.

Jones Cup Monday 17th June @

Toko Primary School:

Jones Cup is next Monday for year 5-8 Students.
Children will travel by bus to this event, leaving school at 9.00am for a 9.45am start. It is anticipated that the last day will finish around 2pm.   
We are hugely grateful to those who have volunteered their time to be Game day managers.
We are still require a few more Team managers for on the day (Monday 17th).
1 X y7&8 Tackle Rugby
1 x Y5&6 Netball
1 x Y7&8 Netball.
If you are available to help out, please contact Jonny Mercer or Karen in the Office.
Please remember to send your child/ren to school with:
Warm clothing
a big drink bottle
Correct sports gear (eg: Mouthguard, appropriate shoes…)
Sports shirt.
Enough food for a full day of sport and activity.  There will be food for sale at this event.
Crowley cup @ Stratford Wednesday 03rd July
 (Page St rugby, Hockey turf, and netball courts) This is for Yr 5 & 6 only.
We have entered a team in the Hockey, Rugby, and Netball tournaments.
This is a competitive event, and as such, we can only enter one team per sport per school. Children attending will be charged $5 to assist with the cost of the bus on the day.

On Friday some students from Room 6 and 7 went to the Blue Light PCT challenge in New Plymouth which was organised by the Police. The PCT Challenge is an opportunity for year 7 & 8 students to work in groups of 4 to compete as a team in the Physical Competency Test that Police complete every two years. Part of the challenge required us to lift tyres, carry heavy suitcases, jump through windows and jump over walls. We sent 4 teams. Our fastest team did it in 2 minutes 21 seconds. After we finished the challenge there were other fun games we could do. We got to see how fast we could run using the police radar. Our fastest runner could run 22 km per hour! We also played some team games with Sport Taranaki and Taranaki Rugby. We all loved the challenges set and had a great day

Ngaere School

Thanks to the below businesses for sponsoring our school app:

If you would like to advertise on the Ngaere School Skool Loop App please email

 To download our app: In Google Play & App Store search

‘Skool Loop’ & choose School once installed.

Forward Planning – Some Dates for your calendar

  • Monday 17 June – Jones Cup (yr 5-8)
  • Monday 17 June – PTA meeting – All welcome
  • Monday 24 – Wed 26 June – School ART expo
  • Wednesday 26 June – Puanga Lunch Family Day (date change)
  • Thursday 27 June – Scholastic Bookclub Issue 3 Due
  • Thirsday 27 June – Firewood Raffle Drawn
  • Friday 28 June – Matariki Day (school closed)
  • Tuesday 2 July – Room 6 trip to NP Rock Pools
  • Tuesday 2 July – Mid Year reports home
  • Wednesday 3 July – Yr 5 & 6 Crowley Cup Tournament, Stratford
  • Wednesday 3 July – BOT Meeting 6.30pm 
  • Friday 5 July – Last Day Term 2
  • Monday 22 July – Term 3 Begins
  • Thursday 25 July – Taranaki Bulls Visit
  • Wednesday 7 August – NZ Playhouse performance
  • Friday 30 August – Yr 5 & 6 EPro8 event
  • Friday 6 Sept – School Photos
  • Wednesday 18 Sept – School Production
  • Friday 27 Sept – Last Day Term 3
  • Monday 14 October – Term 4 Begins
  • Wednesday 16 Oct – Pet Day
  • Tuesday 12 – Thursday 13 Nov – Yr 7 & 8 Camp, TOPEC
  • Thursday 12 Dec – End of Year Prize Giving 
  • Tuesday 17 Dec – Last day 2024



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