Announcement : 

Newsletter Wednesday 29th May 2024

Ngaere School
School Newsletter
Living & Learning with RESPECT

Term 2 Week 5

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Welcome – Nau mai haere mai

Just a reminder, that there is no school this Friday 31st May due to it being a Ministry Directed Teachers Only Day for Curriculum and Assessment Development, and no school Monday 3rd June as it is a public holiday celebrating the Kings Birthday.  We hope the weather improves so everyone can enjoy their long weekend!




There are a few winter ills & chills going around the school at the moment.  We would like to ask that if your child is unwell, please keep them at home.  This not only helps with your child’s recovery but also prevents the spread of bugs.

Also, if your child is going to be absent from school, can you please advise the school, either by phone, email or via the skool loop app.  We are required by the Ministry to mark a child absent when they are not at school and note the reason they are away.  Thank you.   


What a treat for Rooms 1,2 and 3 who had the author Helen Griffiths come to speak about her new book “Ross the Cat” on Friday. Helen is well known for her  book “ Treasure Beyond Measure” and delighted the children with her exciting presentation about Ross the Cat. Helen donates all the proceeds from her school visits to Taranaki Animal Protection Trust and the SPCA. 


  If anyone has tickets they are unable to sell, can you please return       them to the school office as we have people who can sell them.         Thank you.

GYMASTIC FANTASTIC’S! CONGRATULATIONS to the girls who competed in the Gym Sports last week. Placings were as follows:

Picture Bottom Left:                        Paige 3rd, Jahlaa 2nd, Kisharna 5th

Picture Below:                                  Kelsey 3rd, Mila 1st, Kaylee 5th

Well done girls!

We Had a “Rippa” of a Day!

A huge thank you to the parents who took transport, Gareth Dettling (coach) and Mr Mercer who made yesterdays Rippa tournament such a success for our Year 5 and 6 students, 21 students took part in the central Taranaki Rippa tournament at Stratford Primary. Both teams had to work hard for their excellent results.

Sports Report By Mya Room 5

Yesterday we travelled to Stratford Primary. I played for the Ngaere Ninjas. Mr Mercer was our coach. We won two of our games, we lost two and drew one. Even though it rained a little bit it was fun, we played well as a team. I really want to do it again next year.

Sports Report By Ava Room 5

My team was the Ngaere Nitros. We won our first three games and lost the last two. My Dad was our coach, he was a great coach and all the kids listened really well to him. We learnt from the other teams as we went along and got better and better. The best part of the day was getting some really good tries with the team, when we passed from player to player and got the try. I definitely want to play again next year.

Up & Coming Sports Competitions 

Rippa Y7&8 @TSB Hub Hawera Tuesday 11th June
(Reserve day 13th June)
Ngaere have entered 2 mixed teams in this very popular tournament. Team selection is underway. We will require coaches or game day managers and transport for this event. We require 4-5 vehicles for transport. A note will be sent home soon.
Jones Cup Monday 17th June @ Toko Primary School:
Training is underway to ensure all our senior students are capable of performing their best in this traditional rural school tournament. All Year 5 – 8 students are involved. This is a participation focussed event.
Netball, Rugby, and Rippa teams have been entered, and we are on the look out for helping hands to coach and manage on the day. 
Thank you for those already lending a hand and giving their time and expertise.
We seek coaches or game day managers for:
2x Y5&6 Rippa;  Y5&6 Netball;  2x Y7&8 Netball; 1x Y7&8 Rippa.
Children will travel by bus to this event, leaving school at 9.00am for a 9.45am start. It is anticipated that the last day will finish around 2pm.   
There will be  food sold at this event.
Crowley cup @ Stratford. (Page St rugby, Hockey turf, and netball courts) Wednesday 3rd July This is for Yr 5 & 6 only.
We have entered a team in the Hockey, Rugby, and Netball tournaments.
We require volunteers to coach and manage teams on the day. 
This is a competitive event, and as such, we can only enter one team per sport per school. Children attending will be charged $5 to assist with the cost of the bus on the day.
If you can help with coaching practices or game day management for any (or all) of these events please get in touch with your child’s teacher, Karen in the office, or myself.
Kind regards
Jonny Mercer

Next week we are very excited to be participating in the Life Education Trust mobile classroom with “Harold the Giraffe”. The children will have 2 lessons over the course of the week focussed on relationships and identity. The trust provides health and wellbeing programmes in New Zealand, delivered through interactive learning experiences. The children will work with  a specialised teacher in an exciting interactive mobile classroom. If you would like to know more about the programme and have the opportunity to see the classroom our educator Megan Lilley will be opening the classroom ( in the pool car park) to caregivers from 2.45 to 3.15 pm Thursday 6th June.

Forward Planning – Some Dates for your calendar

  • Friday 31 May – Teacher Only Day (school closed)
  • Monday 3 June – King’s Birthday (school closed)
  • Tuesday 4 June – Life Education Trust Mobile Classroom at school
  • Tuesday 11 June – Yr 7 & 8 Rippa Rugby tournament
  • Monday 17 June – Jones Cup (yr 5-8)
  • Monday 17 June – PTA meeting – All welcome
  • Monday 24 – Wed 26 June – School ART expo
  • Wednesday 26 June – Puanga Lunch Family Day (date change)
  • Thursday 27 June – Scholastic Bookclub Issue 3 Due
  • Thirsday 27 June – Firewood Raffle Drawn
  • Friday 28 June – Matariki Day (school closed)
  • Tuesday 2 July – Room 6 trip to NP Rock Pools
  • Tuesday 2 July – Mid Year reports home
  • Wednesday 3 July – Yr 5 & 6 Crowley Cup Tournament, Stratford
  • Wednesday 3 July – BOT Meeting 6.30pm 
  • Friday 5 July – Last Day Term 2
  • Monday 22 July – Term 3 Begins
  • Wednesday 7 August – NZ Playhouse performance
  • Friday 30 August – Yr 5 & 6 EPro8 event
  • Friday 6 Sept – School Photos
  • Wednesday 18 Sept – School Production
  • Friday 27 Sept – Last Day Term 3
  • Monday 14 October – Term 4 Begins
  • Wednesday 16 Oct – Pet Day
  • Tuesday 12 – Thursday 13 Nov – Yr 7 & 8 Camp, TOPEC
  • Thursday 12 Dec – End of Year Prize Giving 
  • Tuesday 17 Dec – Last day 2024



Trees for Sale

Magnolia – Port Wine / Camellias – Red,White,Pink / Totaras / Bay Trees

ALL $8

Contact Mary Dettling 027 679 4763 (text only please) or Murray 027 272 7074

Pick up: 28 Hunt Road, Stratford


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