Tena koutou katoa
On behalf of all of us at Ngaere School I would like to thank all families and whanau who have supported our tamariki this year. We have appreciated the support, particularly with events over the past couple of weeks, including camps and other outdoor activities which have been enjoyed by all classes.
Although Friday is technically a school day, school finishes tomorrow (Thursday) with our senior Prize Giving at 7pm in the Stratford High School Hall. Our trophies and end of year certificates will be presented and each class will be sharing a dance item. This year those being awarded a trophy will be given a medal to keep with the trophy itself staying at school. There will be photo opportunities with the trophies at the hall after the prize giving.
We have twenty two year 8 students leaving us this year, heading off to various high schools in 2024. For thirteen families tomorrow night will be their last Ngaere School Prize Giving, with some of them having been involved with Ngaere School for many, many years. Again, thank you for the contributions made over the years of being involved, as parent helps, sports coaches, PTA and supporters of Ngaere School.
Looking ahead to 2024 – the school office will be open Friday 26th January from 10am – 2pm and on Monday 29th & Tuesday 30th which are both teacher only days. We have a new stock of uniform polo shirts and fleeces ready to go. School starts for all children on Wednesday 31st January. Once again, stationery will be provided by the school and we ask for a $10 payment to help meet the cost of this.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year,